My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1343: Who is to blame (2)

"Why are you pulling me back suddenly?"

After Yun Qingyan patted Huangyan away, he frowned and said, "I could have caught up."

Although Fei Dingding is fast, if she chases with all her strength, it is not impossible to catch up.

It was only held by Huang Yan and missed the best opportunity.

The blamed Huang Yan, "..."

How could he say that because he didn't want Mu Liuyun to approach her, he moved her back?

Looking at Yun's faintly angry phoenix eyes, Huang Yan sighed. Grand Lord Huang Yan, who has always been proud and domineering and never admit defeat, raised his hand helplessly, "This deity's fault.

It's all the deity's fault, girl, have you calmed down yet? "

Huang Yan's helpless confession made Yun Qingyan unable to be angry instead.

"Forget it." Her face returned to calm, and she was able to hide from the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth.

With the character of Fei Ding Ding Jie, he will certainly not suffer such a big loss easily. When Jade appears, she will definitely come out again to be a demon.

At that time, just let her see what Jade had made.

"Mu Liuyun?" Yun Qingyan's eyes swept over Mu Liuyun, who was still staring at Fei Dingding's disappearance.

At this moment, Mu Liuyun frowned, her eyes darkened.

"Magic Qi." Mu Liuyun retracted his gaze, spitting out two words.

"Huh?" Yun said softly.

"Fei Dingding... just now... the aura exuding from his body is devilish energy.

Only the demons have devilish energy. I have tried it in the wilderness of death, and the induction can't be wrong. "Mu Liuyun continued.

"You mean Fei Dingding is a demon?" Yun asked lightly.

"It's possible." Mu Liuyun retracted his gaze and nodded, "I'm not sure whether the devilish energy is emitted by Fei Dingding or the mysterious element in her hand.

But Fei Dingding is inseparable from the Mozu. "

Yun Qingyan felt incredible for a while.

In the Fei family, one of the top celebrity families in the Starfall Emperor Capital, the demons appeared among the children?

"He's right." Huang Yan also walked over at this time, with scarlet eyes as he always did. "The ant just now is indeed a dirty bug from the Demon Race."

"Huang Yan, do you hate demons?" Yun Qingyan heard the disgust and disgust in Huang Yan's mouth.

"Girl, the Demon Race was born of evil. In the ancient wilderness, they were almost public enemies of other races." Huang Yan explained the answer in one sentence.

"Born by accepting evil?"

Huang Yan nodded, "Their power is dark and cold, and cold-blooded and brutal.

This deity remembers the original demons..."

He paused in his voice and stopped talking. After a long while, he spoke with a cold voice, "This deity is in this desolate state, and the demon is indispensable.

Do you think the deity should hate demons? "

Yun lightly touched his nose.

Hmm...I was framed and left with nine seals, and stayed alone and lonely in the Profound Ring for tens of thousands of years...If she had been, she would have hated the instigator.

"The sky is about to dawn." Suddenly, Yun lightly looked at the distant sky.

On the broad horizon, a ray of bright white light slowly rises, the sky in the distance is as bright as day, and on their side, stars and moons hang high.

The blazing light kept attacking them, and Xingyue gradually dimmed.

The dawn is about to dawn, which also means that the second batch of trial troops entering the secret valley is coming soon!

Mu Liuyun looked at Yun and spoke softly, but stopped talking.

"I know you are still worried about your grandpa's situation.

If you don’t believe me and wait out of Secret Valley, I can contact your grandfather and let you see if what I said is true. "Yun said lightly that he already knew what Mu Liuyun was going to say.

It's nothing more than worrying about Elder Hui, oh no... it should be whether Mu Haijun's body is good.

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