My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1351: Unconditional obedience

Yun said lightly that there was something more in the sea of ​​divine consciousness, which was exactly the process of telling her how to establish a temporary contract.

Mental power draws up a contract and then signs it with others. Once one party violates it, it will be backlashed by the mental power, which will lead to death, or become an idiot.

"Accept my request." Just as the young man was about to swear, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, as if directly in his head.

A message came, and the content was that in the Secret Valley, he must obey Yun Qingyan's instructions, and he must not do anything to Yun Qingyan, and Yun Qingyan could not intentionally hurt him.

There was something else suddenly in his mind, which made the young man's face unable to hide his surprise.

But after all he is the top figure in the four major academies, and he quickly recovered, his voice was a little heavy, "Heard your orders unconditionally in the secret valley, this seems a bit difficult, right?

This is more than one thing. "

"You can also choose to quit the Secret Valley." Yun Qingyan smiled leisurely, and the golden light flashed in her hand, and the long knife that had just dispersed appeared in her hand again.

The young man pursed his lips, his heart was very tangled.

"I can promise that I will not deliberately ask you to die, nor will I deliberately insult your personality."

The young man hesitated for two seconds, and finally nodded hard, "Okay!"

The contract documents in the sea of ​​divine knowledge dispersed, and he suddenly felt that there was some connection between himself and Yun Qingyan.

"My name is Cao Yan, and I am twenty-seven years old from the Tianji Division of Wanye College." The young man said.

So many beards at twenty-seven...? Yun Yanyan took his gaze back from his beard-covered chin, and said, "Yunyanyan."

Because the fighting Yuwei was too powerful, the two deliberately moved away from the crowd to avoid hurting their own people.

When Cao Yan and Yun spoke lightly back, the battle over there was also over.

The whole prairie frost and snow condensed, and you can feel the coolness that penetrates into the bone marrow just as you step in.

The grass that was originally knee-length was cut off by the waist, and the grass clippings flew up and down, a mess.

In the center of the battlefield, several people from Baili Qingxue were waiting for Yun Qingyan.

When Cao Yan looked at the empty grassland, he knew that his brother had been eliminated.

They were all eliminated under Baili Qingxue, and they were not wronged. To blame, I can only blame myself for inferior skills.

Cao Yan sighed in his heart and quickly adjusted his mood.

"Master, he..." Ji Weiran looked at Cao Yan behind Yun Qingyan and made a warning gesture.

"Bug." Yun said lightly and succinctly, and Yukong flew up to fetch the fire spirit flower on the rock wall.

Thugs? Ji Weiran looked at Cao Yan one by one. Seeing the other's helpless look, he had no intention of attacking, so he stopped asking more questions.

After taking the Fire Spirit Flower, Yun Qingyan took Ji Weiran and the others back to the camp to find Xi Mo.

She still remembers the appointment with him in Wanbao Basin.

Moreover, Huang Yan sensed that there was a second gem that unlocked his seal. The direction was similar to that of the Wanbao Basin mentioned by Xi Mo. Yun Qingyan doubted that the key to Huangyan's unlocking the second seal was in the Wanbao Basin. in.

As soon as they arrived at the first college camp, they saw a confrontation.

It is not the confrontation between Manyo Academy and the First Academy... but the confrontation between the old and fresh students of the First Academy!

Several students were suspended in the air, with badges on their chests indicating their grades.

"Yun Qingyan! It's Yun Qingyan who is back!" A freshman outside the camp, who was similar to a scout, cried out in surprise when he saw Yun Qingyan!

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