My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1359: Where are there no accidents in life? 【Complement】

On the camp of the first college, after explaining the situation to everyone, Yun flew onto the camp lightly.

The tense atmosphere on both sides of the new and old students has gradually faded. Students continue to welcome their brothers and sisters into the camp and arrange resting places for them. The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Ji Weiran and others naturally followed Yun Qingyan and landed together.

"Ji Weiran!" Xing Lan, one of the freshmen leaders, yelled with a calm face when he saw Ji Weiran land.

"It's you?!" Ji Weiran's attention was focused on Wu Yuan just now. He didn't notice Xing Lan hiding in the new student. Suddenly seeing Xing Lan, he was shocked!

Xing Lan walked towards him quickly.

But Ji Weiran quickly backed away like a snake and scorpion, "You! Don't come over!

I don't want to take advantage of you! "

Yun Qingyan was a little surprised seeing this scene.

How does she feel that Ji Weiran has become a lady of everybody... But Xing Lan has become a protégé who molested every lady?

"What's going on with them?" Yun Qingyan subconsciously looked at Baili Qingxue beside him.

Suddenly remembering that Baili Qingxue is not a gossiping person, she may not be able to answer her own questions, and she turned her inquiring eyes to Yu Dapang and Qin Li.

Just as Baili Qingxue was about to speak, Yu Dapang jumped out with a smile and whispered.

"Sister Yun, you don't know. After coming to the Xingluo Imperial Capital, Brother Ji accidentally...hehe, he took advantage of the third princess.

Especially last year, after the college competition, we were invited to the palace for a banquet.

There was an accident at the banquet, but Brother Ji saved the scene and kissed the third princess in public, almost not terrifying the emperor and the queen!

If it were not for the Baili male god, he would have almost gone to the jail, but even so, he had almost never been beaten to death by the brother of the third princess. "

Will Ji Weiran's formation skills be chased by others?

Yun Qingyan blinked, a little curious about the strength of the Starfall princes.

Qin Li immediately said, "There are more than 20 Prince Guang in the Starfall Empire, and the third princess is the youngest princess from the queen, and the most loved."

Yun lightly nodded his head blankly, already imagining what kind of brutal unilateral group fight back then.

"Anyway, Big Brother Ji has never dared to see the third princess since then. Because, when he meets the third princess, all kinds of accidents will always happen!" Yu Da Pang opened his hands helplessly.

"Deng's disciple! You are hiding from me again!" Seeing Ji Weiran's appearance of being like a snake and scorpion, Xing Lan's heart was filled with flames popping out!

She rushed to Ji Weiran fiercely!

"Wait--!" Ji Weiran just said.

"Squeak!" A digger quickly rushed past Xinglan's route.

"Eh?!" Xing Lan was unstable, and slammed Ji Weiran up at a faster speed.

Lei Yu wanted to reach out but couldn't hold it.

Yun, who was still in an accident, said lightly to everyone: "?!"

"Be careful!" Ji Weiran frowned, subconsciously trying to help Xing Lan.

"Bang bang bang!" Two landing sounds!

Ji Weiran perfectly served as a meat pad.

"Sister Yun, now do you know what those accidents mean?" With a helpless look, Yu Da Pang spread out his two fat little hands.

"Yeah...I see." Yun lightly nodded silently.

The digger is a small beast with no harm. It usually likes to move underground and rarely appears on the ground.

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