Jiang Wushu and the others looked up and bit their teeth!

Yun said lightly why they came back again?

Nothing good to run into them!

The others did not talk nonsense and joined the battlefield.

Only Xi Mo and Huang Yan were still suspended in the air.

This level of Yuan is not worthy of them!

"Why are you helping us?" The eyes of Hong Ye, the man who had just repelled a wave of enemies, flickered, and he obviously didn't expect Yun to say that they would help.

"What nonsense?!" The long-legged, slim-waisted, fiery brunette beauty threw a long knife behind her back and slammed Hong Ye's shoulder with a fist. "Friends are here to help! Why are you lazy?! Not happy Continue fighting!"

"Hiss!" Hong Ye took a breath and looked at the person next to him helplessly, "Boss Luo, can you do it lightly? I won't be killed by the enemy before I'm maimed by you!"

"What are you talking about?!" Hong Luo raised his eyebrows, and there was a dangerous light in his deep eyes. "You still want to fight, don't you?"

"No, no! I dare not!" Hong Ye waved his hand quickly!

Yun Qingyan saw their interactions and knew that they were long-time and tacit partners.

She has also experienced this kind of mutual trust and partnership, and her gratitude to Hong Ye people who are similar to her has surged.

Seeing that they still wanted to continue fighting, Yun Qingyan hurriedly stopped them and handed them two pills, "You are poisoned! Take the pills first and then do it!"

"How did you know that we were hit by the pill?" Hong Luo stared with a pair of pretty red eyes in surprise.

During the fight with Manyo Academy just now, the opponent suddenly threw a poisonous ball and exploded. They inhaled a lot without noticing, and then they kept using star power to resist the spread of toxins, and the star power could not be supplied. of!

"Before, Manyo Academy poisoned the people of our No. 1 Academy. Fortunately, we developed the antidote." Yun Qingyan said that he was very fond of this bold imperial sister.

"Huh! Wanye's villain!" Hong Luo snorted coldly, and he was not polite, grabbing the pill in Yun Qingyan's hand and swallowing it neatly, "Sister, don't be afraid!

When I finish detoxification, let these villains taste the power of my flame sword! "

Seeing Hong Luo grabbing the pill and starting to swallow it, Hong Ye quickly stopped--

"Boss, wait a minute!"

But it was too late, Hong Luo chewed a few times and swallowed it, her cold and beautiful eyes looked at Hong Ye indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Hong Ye's head started to hurt, and the sound transmission said, "Boss, you can eat it without seeing if it is poisonous! What if she wants to harm you!"

"What's the harm?!" Hong Luo slapped Hong Ye's head, "It's time for our sister to do it! How about waiting now?

Anyway, I believe she is not wicked! Do you like to eat or not, really! A man is still a mother-in-law! "

Hong Luo's words were so boldly said...

Hong Ye's face instantly became pig liver color!

Boss! I deliberately transmitted the sound to you just to prevent them from hearing it, but you are better... shake me out in twos or twos!

"Puff!" Yun Qingyan looked at him with joy, and was amused by the two.

Hong Ye may be a military-master-like figure among the three, but a leader Hong Lao who did not give him any face appeared miserably.

Another person from Hongyan Academy is a young man with a slender figure and a handsome face. He is as delicate as a doll. The painting style of Hongye Hongluo is totally different from that of Hongye Hongluo. He took the pill from Yun Qingyan and treated her Nodded politely, "Thank you."

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