My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1378: To put it lightly, I seem to be sick...

"How is Baili?" Yun asked Qin Li and Ji Weiran softly when he came to Baili Qingxue.

"The wound is a bit deep." Ji Weiran said, his voice a little low.

The attack of the seventh-order master is not simple, if Baili Qingxue is the eighth-order master, with superior strength, I am afraid the body would have been split in half long ago.

They really don't understand, with Baili Qingxue's strength, how could they fail that blow?

Whether it's dodge or direct defense, it is easy for him!

Yun Qingyan looked towards Baili Qingxue.

His eyes were closed tightly, his long, thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and his long hair, which was as soft as ice silk, stuck to his forehead, which was soaked in sweat.

The horrible and hideous knife wound on his chest turned out, and the white clothes were soaked with blood, and bones were vaguely visible in the wound.

Baili Qingxue's eyes opened slowly, as if hearing the movement, the icy blue color was as moving as glass, but she didn't know if it was Yun Qingyan's illusion. She vaguely felt that those eyes seemed to have become turbid. Not as transparent and clear as before.

It looks like the fine glass jade is mixed with some impurities.

"Speak lightly..." Baili Qingxue's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her face became more transparent and white like ice and snow.

"How is this brother?" People from Hongyan Academy also ran over nervously and asked about the injury.

"Take the pill first." Yun Qingyan flipped his right hand and took the healing pill from the Profound Ring to Baili Qingxue.


"Tear!" With a sound, he pulled the clothes on his upper body directly.

This heroic and neat move not only stunned all the onlookers, but Huang Yan's face turned black afterwards!

The girl's method of tearing clothes seems to be a bit skilled!

"Tsk tsk, Little Sister Yun really has the style of my back then!" Hong Luo held his chin with his hand, as if he was reminiscing about the prosperous years of that year.

Hong Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, opened and closed a few times, and finally did not speak.

Without paying attention to the various gazes around him, Yun spoke lightly without squinting, took out the powder and bandages, and treated Baili Qingxue's wounds neatly and skillfully.

The wounds caused by the senior masters are not as easy to recover as ordinary wounds.

However, with Baili Qingxue's physique coupled with her pill and medicinal powder, he would be better off in about six hours.

Baili Qingxue's eyes were staring at the person who meticulously administered the medicine to herself. The black mist floated from the bottom of her eyes for a while, and then was suppressed again. The ups and downs were very shocking.

"Is it better?" After knotting the bandage, Yun lightly raised his eyes to look at Baili Qingxue.

The curative effect of the pill is very obvious. Even if Baili Qingxue cannot fully recover in an instant, it can alleviate a bit of pain now.

But she looked at Baili Qingxue's face, still very pale, shockingly white.

The thin lips that have lost their blood color are pursed, and under the thick eyelashes, the pure, icy blue pupils that are like the first snow are free of impurities, with a few wisps of clarity like the birth of a deer, and for a moment Yun Qingyan seems to have seen a little milk dog. Illusion.

But the strong sorrow and sorrow inside are like a pair of pliers, which are tightly clamped in the heart.

Obviously he was almost standing on the top of the Tianyuan Continent, but at this time he was fragile like a fragile snowflake.

"Frankly, I seem to be sick..." he said.

The eyes drooped, concealing those dark glazed ice eyes.

Yun Qingyan hadn't spoken yet, an evil and charming voice came in like a sharp sword——

"See a doctor if you are sick, what's the matter with my girl?"

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