The current Huang Yan didn't have time to care if she was in a breath with Yun Qingyan, sealed her heart with strength, slowly healed her wounds, while letting a soft voice, whispered comfortingly, "Girl , You will sleep first. There is me here."

There was a reassuring feeling from Huang Yan's warm and strong chest, and the contract between the two of them living together made Yun lightly subconsciously put a deep trust in the person in front of him.

Moreover, she is really sleepy...

The eyelids seemed to be fighting.

"Hmm..." The voice that seemed a little soft because of the loss of strength, unlike usual, clear and aggressive, but it made the tip of Huang Yan's heart seem to be scratched gently by a feather, leaving only a pity.

He gently closed Yun Qingyan's eyelids with one hand, and his always strong and domineering voice was low and gentle at this time, "Go to sleep."

After being severely injured, the body of the Yuan will gradually enter a dormant state like self-protection.

In this way, it is easier to concentrate the power in their bodies and protect them from self-recovery.

at the same time……

"Our people have noticed that the people in Sifang City have quietly contacted the high-level demons. This time the barrier is unstable..."

Feng Liao's report is not finished yet.

Di Jiuque's heart suddenly hurt.

The pain spread to the bone marrow, as if coming from the lost other half of his body.

"Senior?" Di Jiuque's abnormality made Feng Liao look at him incomprehensibly.

"Where are you now?" Di Jiuque glanced at him sharply.

Feng Liao was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately answered truthfully, "

We planted the people in the first college to guard the safety of the empress, and we heard that the empress should have entered the secret valley of the four colleges for trials these days. "

Emperor Jiu stood up suddenly, his aura was cold and gloomy, like a fierce beast that wanted to choose people to eat, his phoenix eyes were cold and cold.

"You said that people are not beside the light talk?!"

The cold breath of Emperor Jiuque made Feng Liao's heart tremble...

"The secret valley of the four major colleges has restrictions. The people we arranged are too strong and too old... can't get in..."

Before Feng Liao's last utterance voice fell, he saw that the lonely and handsome figure of Xuan Yi in front of him had disappeared instantly!

At exactly this time, several envoys dressed in white passed a stream of light to the gate of Jiuzhong Palace.

"The messenger from Sifang City is here to visit the Lord!" His voice resounded outside the palace gate.

"The emperor does not see guests!" The black armor guard rumbling with pressure, his eyes gleaming, his attitude is very determined.

With the attitude of a black armor guardian that is hard and soft, the eyes of several envoys in white clothes flashed with anger, their strength soared, and terrifying coercion radiated.

There was no trace of fear on the black armored guard's face, and his eyes were contemptuous, "You still want to force it to make it?"

The eyes of several messengers in white quickly narrowed.


An old man with a hidden breath suddenly stood up behind a few people.

"The old man heard that Zun Shang came back from retreat soon, and he came to visit and discuss important matters!"

The old voice said loudly, and a gleam of light flashed in those eyes.

Could it be...that rumor is true?

Di Jiuque... Is it really because of the loss of strength that he didn't see guests?

Suddenly, he keenly felt a wave of fluctuations in the space!

That is the fluctuation caused by the top master through the power of space, the opponent's strength is not lower than him!

The old man's eyes flashed, and power surged out, sealing the space.

He wants to see, in the realm of God, which master is there?

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