My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1399: You want to kill me? (2)

He is a soul body, the soul of the powerful Ice Emperor, and only a strong red flame that can burn the soul can hurt him. This attack is useless to him, just like scratching his boots.

However, Bingdi's pupils shrank fiercely, and his voice was even colder, "You want to kill me?"

"You are the half soul of this emperor.

You are the emperor! This emperor is you! We are one soul, and you want to kill me? ! "

He believed that Baili Qingxue's soul should also feel the attraction from their souls, the desire to merge into one.

Baili Qingxue's dark blue eyes seemed to be covered with layers of haze, obscure and dark, and the voice was cold and overflowing, like the coldest sentence, "You damn!"

Huang Yan originally hated Baili Qingxue very much, but when he saw the appearance of him letting the Bingdi eat, there was a happy smile on his face, "Bingdi, how do you think you failed?

Even you can't tolerate you. "

And Yun Qingyan had fallen into a deep shock.

Baili Qingxue, turned out to be the half soul reincarnation of the Ice Emperor?

And the man who injured her with one blow for no reason turned out to be the Ice Emperor of the Snow Region? !

This amount of information is too big!

The Bingdi stepped back, looking at Baili Qingxue with unfamiliar eyes, "You really have been eroded by the magic weapon." Otherwise, he won't be paranoid enough to do it.

Huang Yan and Xi Mo looked at each other, magic weapon?

No wonder they noticed Baili Qingxue's breath has changed.

"Magic weapon corroded?" Yun said lightly, a little horrified. After she came back, she saw that Baili was still fine... how could she be corroded by magic weapon?

Could it be... in the Dead Wilderness?

Baili Qingxue's entire handsome face twitched slightly after being so bluntly spoken by the Ice Emperor, and a pair of dark blue eyes almost appeared to destroy the sky and the earth, and layers of black mist were filled.

He actually told his secret.

To put it lightly, would you hate him?

The dark blue eyes raged with murderous intent, and the floating ice and snow gradually changed from pure white to gray, as if white snow was stained with layers of dust.

The Ice Emperor no longer hesitated, a beam of blue light shot out from his hand.

Baili Qingxue with a dark breath seemed to be pressed on the switch button, all movements stopped in the summer, a pair of eyes instantly lost focus, and the whole person fell straight down.

Bingdi quickly took him.

"Zhan Yan, hand over the Rank Nine Ice Glazed Glaze!" The Bing Emperor's eyes were heavy, and his tone this time was stronger and more determined than ever.

The Snow Clan is naturally cold and cold, and it is extremely difficult for them to have too strong emotions. This is the case for the clansmen, especially the Ice Emperor.

They have the heart of ice orifices, exquisite and translucent, and will not be contaminated by external emotions. They are too rational and calm. The average person in the snowy area only has one to six orifices. As the emperor of the snowy area, the ice emperor has the ice heart of nine orifices. , Anger, jealousy, greed and even love, family and friendship, he is very weak or even not.

The only feeling he keeps is the heart of guarding the snowy area. As the master of the snowy area, he must keep his heart pure so that he can be fair and just and not be burdened by foreign objects.

Now, his reincarnated half soul is tainted, and if he forcibly merges with him, he will also be affected.

Only by taking the Rank 9 Ice Glaze can the effect be eliminated, so at this time, he needs Rank 9 Ice Glaze more than ever.

If before, he simply wanted to regain the treasure of the Snow Region, at this time, he must get the Rank Nine Ice Glazed.

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