My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1479: Willing to do the work of dogs and horses

Yun said with a smile but looked at him with a smile. Just now I didn't know which mouse was trying to disfigure her with a paw. This attitude became so fast.

However, the Lightning Treasure Hunter has such a thick skin that no one can match it.

It didn't seem to see Yun Qingyan's teasing and teasing gaze, and he actually performed a human gentleman's etiquette with a round rat body.

Yun Qingyan saw a touch of elegance in this golden mouse gentleman...

What a hell!

"This beautiful lord, please let Lightning be your contract beast!

Lightning is willing to do the same for you. "

It could see that this human girl had a good strength, and it was not a loss to follow her.

The most important thing is to get the moon first near the water! Where is its future wife, where is it.

Yun Qingyan looked at this mouse who was about to give up his life for himself.

"Why don't you run now? You seemed to be reluctant to be my contract beast before."

"That's because before lightning, there were eyes but not gold inlaid with jade, and the mouse was short-sighted!" Lightning Treasure Hunter said.


Yun said that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Imagine a mouse saying the words short-sighted in front of him. This is really strange.

Fearing that Yun would speak unwillingly to contract with himself, the Lightning Treasure Hunter tried to prove his worth, "Master!

Our lightning treasure hunters may not be as good as other races in combat, but they are outstanding in finding treasures!

And I am very fast, almost no monsters and humans of the same level can catch up! The investigative ability is also great! "

There is no contract yet, this glib little mouse has even called the word owner.

"For the sake of you being pretty good, I will... reluctantly contract you."

Yun said lightly that he had a bargain and still sold well, with a reluctant appearance.

She has no shortage of super monsters, but this lightning treasure hunter is really interesting and very useful as a scout.

Although the Nether Wolf King can also detect intelligence, it is larger and not as smooth and flexible as this mouse. Maybe this lightning treasure hunter can surprise her.

The Lightning Treasure Hunter nodded repeatedly, "I won't be fooled by the contract! Make sure the owner is satisfied!"

Yun Qingyan covered his hand on the head of the Lightning Treasure Hunter, and the contract light flashed.

The fifth-level lightning treasure hunter has repeatedly rushed up to the seventh-level, so happy that he can't find the north!

I originally thought that today was a disaster day, but I didn't expect that today would be its lightning lucky day!

Simply wonderful! Not only was the future wife found, but her strength also improved.

"Dear beauty, we will be a family that loves each other in the future!" The lightning treasure hunter rushed to Xiao Xuan's side and hugged his chubby body.

"Who is in love with you!" Xiaoxuan said unhappy!

After the contract, several monsters communicated on Yun Qingyan's spiritual platform.

This time Jinpeng Thunder Eagle also exploded, "Where is the smelly mouse!"

I almost forgot... Jin Lei seemed to like his own tools too.

Yun Qingyan secretly wiped his sweat, and it seems that in the days to come, "It's getting lively."

"It's okay to learn from your family, but you are not allowed to kill." Yun said lightly.

She actually encourages mutual exchanges between Warcraft.

After all, only such a beast possesses the blood of a beast. She didn't want her own monsters to lose their sharp minions because of the long time of ease.

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