My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1483: The whereabouts of the other half of the soul

Qin Li and Ji Siwen contracted the sixth-order saber-toothed tiger and the white-headed iron-clawed eagle respectively.

Di Ming is a bloodfeather lion and eagle of the ninth rank of the contract. During the contract, he looked at Yun Qingyan with a very complicated look. Before, he had been following Gong Moxi with Yun Qingyan, but he did not Show them a good face, always drifting outside of them, and even persuading Gong Moxi to abandon them and go directly to Secret Valley...

Occasionally there are tasks, but it is also for Gong Moxi's sake to help them.

However, he did not expect that following Yun's light words, his comprehensive strength also advanced a big step, Lingquan, Yuan Jade essence liquid, and a half-step god-level super-sacred beast... This trip to the secret valley , The harvest was beyond his imagination.

Yun Qingyan also didn't exclude him because of his cold reception, which made him a little ashamed.

As for the last two-headed cheetah of Warcraft that was caught by Baili Qingxue, Baili simply trapped it without a contract mind, and Yu Dapang had a gluttonous glutton who prevented him from contracting a new Warcraft, and finally the two-headed cheetah. It fell on Ji Weiran, who had given the common spoils to Xing Lan.

Almost everyone is complete.

As for the likes of Huang Yan and Gong Moxi, they still don't look down on such super mythical beasts.

Yun Qingyan handed the remaining transforming pills to the saber-toothed tiger's super mythical beasts one by one. A burst of light flashed, and handsome and strange young people stepped out of the light one after another, with irresistible excitement and excitement on their faces. A little resistance also disappeared.

However, the transformation grass that caused all the super **** beasts to gather and fight before was abandoned as a mystery, and was finally taken into the bag by Yun.

After a short pause and rest, Yun Qingyan led them directly towards the Wanbao Basin.

At this time, there were still some scattered students in the secret valley. They were all because they were teleported too far and could not rush to the secret hall in time to open the people, so naturally they did not enter the small world of the snow region.

However, there are high-ranking beasts used as mounts to travel, and no one dares to **** Yun Qingyan on their heads without knowing the Taishan Land, all the way, unimpeded.

"This area is the hub space." Huang Yan said softly to Yun as he moved forward.

"What is a hub space?" Yun asked inexplicably.

"A special type of space is self-contained and can connect different continents and worlds. However, the hub space is generally unstable and easily penetrated by other worlds."

Huang Yan explained.

Yun lightly understood that this hub space is like a crossroad in the present world, connecting in different directions, but it sometimes incorporates things from other worlds,

No wonder the fragments of the snowy world can enter here.

"Huang Yan...I may know the whereabouts of your significant other's soul." Yun Qingyan took a deep breath, remembering the matching silver ring in Di Jiuque's hand.

Xuan Jie suppressed Huang Yan, and Yin Jie suppressed Emperor Jiu Que. At the time, why hadn't she thought that the relationship between these two people was not hostility, but was originally one?

However, Yun said lightly and was a little bit unconfident about his guess.

Huang Yan...Di Jiuque, these two people with almost completely opposite personalities, are they really the same person?

"Girl, what are you talking about?!" Huang Yan's red eyes trembled fiercely, wanting to ask Yun for details.

Only when the soul is complete can he reach the height of his previous life again!

"The edge of the Wanbao Basin is here." Gong Moxi's voice came.

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