My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1488: How could Lord Jiuque approach the woman?

Hearing Qing Rou's voice, Qing Luan couldn't believe it, her first thought was that Qing Rou had made a mistake.

Without waiting for her to question, the aura and beautiful girl next to her spoke in advance, "Aunt Rou, are you wrong?

How could Lord Jiuque approach the woman? "Not to mention showing a caring look!

She wondered if her low-status aunt was presbyopic.

Qing Luan nodded in agreement, "Rou'er, maybe you're wrong.

If you really are the Lord, and he does it to you, how can you still stand there and talk to me now? "

Qing Rou was so angry that she was about to explode!

She is suffering from the pain of Yinyan Soul Eater here, and she is trying to spread the news in one breath. They actually think that she is dazzling?

"Um..." The extreme pain in her body made Qing Rou's face distorted, and she didn't faint with pain because of the soul-repairing pills stored in her body.

The white face muscles twitched, but Qing Rou didn't dare to get angry at Qing Luan, "Sister!

Really...really the noble master of the Jiuzhong Palace!


The pill was more and more unable to suppress the soul burning pain on her body, and Qing Rou gasped with pain, "Come... it's too late to say.

I... I was caught in the flames of silver flame. me! "

She didn't know if the adult was in a hurry or just wanted to punish and punish her, so she didn't use the real power of the silver flame to keep her from being burned by the fire for so long.

However, this kind of feeling that the soul continues to be burned by flames, it is better to let her be burned clean!

But the timid Qingrou didn't dare to commit suicide. The higher the cultivation level, the longer the cultivator would be afraid of death. This is the same for her.

Seeing Qingrou's painful look, Qing Luan didn't have time to ask more.

"Quickly crush the emergency teleportation stone I gave you.

I have no choice but to ask the Lord of the City Lord to help you see the flames of the emperor rank. "Qing Luan sighed in her heart, with some worries in her heart, whether the city lord will take action for Qing Rou.

After all, even though the Sifang City and the Jiuzhong Palace are not in harmony, the overall strength of the Sifang City is inferior to that of the Jiuzhong Palace. No matter which power is, they dare not face the anger of that person.


"Quietly, are you okay?" After going through the teleportation tunnel, Yun lightly felt that he was pulling people over.

Turning around, it was Gong Moxi.

"It's okay." Yun lightly shook his head, realizing that the secret valley began to repel them gradually, "The final deadline of the secret valley is coming, let's go out quickly."

Huang Yan directly took the second sealing gem and went back to retreat to release the seal, while Yun Qingyan and Gong Moxi directly entered the star power into the Xingyue badge and began to return.

Di Jiuque, who traced the space fluctuation to half, frowned.

A strange space like a space hub has uncertain coordinates in the void, and only a few specific ‘doors’ can be opened accurately.

If not, someone needs to provide positioning traction in the space.

In the process of chasing him just now, the coordinates of that breath also changed.

The dark and cold eyes shot out ten thousand points of cold light, Di Jiuque's thin red lips lightly pursed, and finally turned to travel towards the Saint Yuan Continent.

If the little guy came out of the secret valley, he should also go back.

The Saint Yuan Continent, where the stars fall, the vast expanse of Jinghu Lake that connects the four colleges.

A fine ripple spread on the calm lake, and then, there were gusts of wind and waves on the lake. The grand momentum spread to the entire lake, awakening the people of the four major colleges!

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