My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1536: My husband and I are taking a walk!

"What are you thinking?" Di Jiuque asked curiously when Yun Qingyan fell silent suddenly.

"I..." Yun just wanted to ask him about soul fusion, and the contract fluctuations in her head made her stand up suddenly.

"There was an accident with lightning!" She rushed out with a solemn expression.

Emperor Jiuque followed her.

The two directly rose from the sky, rising to a height of ten thousand feet. At this time, the ban on the sky in the imperial capital had no effect on them.

In the alley behind the Fei's mansion, a swift golden mouse flashed by, and **** scars were drawn on the originally silky fur.

Yun Qingyan raised his hand and put the Lightning Treasure Hunter into the Profound Ring. Just as he turned and was about to leave, a fierce energy attacked from behind him.

With a wave of her hand, Xing Yuanli shot out and collided with the incoming.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Those people were shocked by this star power and backed back again and again, and there was a look of horror on their faces.

What a powerful force.

When they looked at Yun Qingyan, Yun Qingyan was also squinting at them.

Those who came were all dressed in black robes, with pale skin and a deadly color, which looked very strange.

A pair of eyes seemed to be filled with thick ink, which gave people a very uncomfortable feeling. They did not look like human beings, but rather like monsters.

The strength of these people is around the eighth-nineth-order Zun Yuanshi, no wonder the Lightning Treasure Hunter will lose.

"Have you seen a little mouse?" Among the several people in black, the headed man in black said coldly.

Yun Qingyan's power and the unpredictable Di Jiuque around her made him a little jealous.

"What little mouse?" Yun said softly, blinking his eyes, looking ignorant and ignorant.

It seems that these people don't know her.

It's really strange.

Fei Ze and Fei Ding Ding have suffered from her several times. With Fei Ding Ding's temperament, they will definitely suppress the orders of the entire Fei family. Even if no order is given, these Fei family will not recognize her, right? Could it be that she misunderstood Fei Dingding? She doesn't actually hold that grudge?

The headed man in black looked at her, staring at her coldly, as if considering how true or false her words were, "Why did you show up at the back door of Fei's house?"

Yun Qingyan stretched out his hand to hold the arm of Emperor Jiuque, with a very sweet look, "Your back door is not your site. The main road goes up to the sky. Which one do you care about me?"

My husband and I just came out for a walk and were suddenly attacked. Shouldn't you give us an explanation first? "

Feeling the softness of leaning on his side, Di Jiuque's eyes flashed, and Dan Zhu's red lips lightly rose.

Especially the sound of the husband, like a feather lightly scratching his heart.

Husband? What a good name.

The headed man in black choked with fear.

There are not many people with such a young strength and such a high level in the emperor. It is very likely that they are from the top. If you offend the top and break your wife's plan, it will be bad.

"Sorry." The man in black clasped his hand. "We were just catching a little mouse that escaped. The little mouse escaped too fast. It was in an emergency and accidentally missed.

The two adults might as well go in with us for a cup of tea, take a short nap, and be overwhelmed by the shock, as we are apologizing.

Our Madam Luo Yu is the most hospitable and will definitely welcome the two of you. "

"Forget it." Yun said lightly and waved his hand. "I forgive you for your unintentional mistake. I will forgive you this time.

Next time, never be merciless.

There is no need for tea. I also want to go to Suzaku Street with my husband. "

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