My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1543: Are you a demon? !

Chi Huang Fire is powerful and powerful, but it consumes a lot of energy. Especially, the greater the Chihuang Fire power she can exert, the consumption of star power began to increase sharply!

If she hadn't practiced the Seven-Star Body Refining Jue, I'm afraid she would have bottomed out if she used Chi Huang Huo once!

It seems that in the future, before the critical moment, it is better to use the Chihuang Fire less.

Yun Qingyan secretly made up his mind.

When Emperor Jiuque saw Yun Qingyan directly burned the enchantment, he was suddenly depressed.

What a pity.

After solving the enchantment, Yun lightly waved his hand towards Emperor Jiuque, full of pride.

mock up! She can still solve it without him!

Di Jiuque relied on her height, with one hand resting on top of her head, and the corner of her mouth swept across her mouth, "There will always be a chance."

Yun Qingyan hadn't figured out what it meant by always having a chance in his mouth. Suddenly he felt a cold breath coming from one side of his body, his heart was shocked, and Di Jiuque quickly flashed aside.

What a terrifying concealment ability!

If it weren't for the cold blade to reach her neck, she wouldn't even notice it!

When Emperor Jiuque saw Yun Qingyan flash past, his hand moved slightly under the black gold-rimmed sleeves, and the transparent protective cover disappeared in front of Yun Qingyan, silently.

Without a single blow, the black mist condensed again, rushing towards Yun lightly!

Yun said lightly that he was prepared this time, and naturally he wouldn't be easy to succeed.

With a wave of her hand, countless vines shot towards the dark mist, and a trace of interest flashed in her eyes.

For the first time, she met a guy who could rival her in speed, giving her the excitement of meeting her opponents!

Moreover, the opponent's powerful breath concealment ability has greatly blessed his swift speed. This is a shadow hidden in the dark, a natural killer, the killer king of the dark world!

Even before the blink of an eye, another ghost arrow stabs from the right side. Yun Qingyan's golden light condenses on his hand, and the hand covering the golden thorns meets with the dagger from the stab, and a burst of metal strikes. Clang.

"Stare!" Leng Rui's weapons intersected, and because of the speed, sparks even burst out.

The opponent's attacks continued like a drizzle, and even the cloud that had been tempered many times, with the aid of the gold system star power, felt overwhelmed.

fast! too fast!

The opponent has little power, but the shot speed is really fast, almost an average of one hundred shots per second, and they all attack the same point, with a point breaking force, very precise and powerful.

Yun Qingyan can even feel that this is not the entire strength of the opponent. Close combat, this person is definitely the best!

Just when Yun Qingyan was about to retreat and pull the distance away, the black mist that attacked swiftly suddenly stopped, retreated and condensed into a human form.

Yun said lightly, this...the black mist formed, how could it be like that fellow Jiang Wuya?

In the dark mist, a slender man in a black leather costume emerged, with long dark hair like a dark night, with long horns on top of his head that bend upwards like a horn, a handsome face, a pair of red vertical pupils, under the eyes , There are several scales on the fair skin.

Not human!

This is Yun Qingyan’s first impression of seeing a man, and a word that is often heard in others' mouths gradually emerged in her mind——

"You are, Demon?!"

The Demon Race that should have been intercepted in the Wilderness of Death actually appeared in the Starfall Emperor Capital! This news is really shocking!

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