My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1555: Seal the magic core

Di Jiuque's eyes became cold, and his right hand squeezed tightly!

"Hmm!" Luo Yu's eyes protruded, and a gorgeous face instantly distorted, with a distorted beauty.

The Fei family was also shivered, seeing that beautiful face be tossed like this, it will feel pity in their hearts.

But this man, his heart is like made of iron and stone, he doesn't know what Lianxiangxiyu is, and he doesn't let his hands down!

"Mother!" Fei Dingding screamed, Feize's eyes were heavy, and Fei Dingding was behind him.

"Di Jiuque, don't kill her yet." Yun said lightly holding Di Jiuque's hand, "I want to ask her something."

Di Jiuque's clenched hand loosened, and Mrs. Luo Yu also got a bit of breathing opportunity.

The real death hole of the Demon Race lies in the Demon Core, but she still feels uncomfortable if the key is suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Luo Yu was brought one meter away in front of Yun Qingyan by a huge force.

"Luo Yu!" The man in the National Character Year screamed, and as Luo Yu came over, he looked at Yun very nervously and said lightly, "You...what are you doing?"

Sixth-order Zong Yuanshi.

Yun Qingyan only glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze.

This level of cultivation poses no threat to her at all.

"Chang'er, come back." The old man from the Fei family ordered with a cane.

The man with the Chinese character face gritted his teeth and did not listen to him, but rushed towards Luo Yu, but a transparent barrier bounced him back, and he persevered in rushing over again and again.

Feize swept his sullen gaze toward the man, then withdrew his gaze mercilessly, as if it was just a stranger, not his father.

Yun Qingyan just glanced at the man, and his attention fell on Luo Yu.

This is really a very beautiful beauty, with curly skin, enchanting eyes, slim and slender figure, with an alluring breath.

Even after giving birth to two children, she is still very charming and moving.

Even if he is controlled by others now, he exudes a kind of charm that makes men feel sorry for him.

"What did you do to me just now?" Yun Qingyan's eyes were heavy.

Just now Luo Yu shot, she felt that there seemed to be another sealed power in her body.

Luo Yu stared at Yun Qingyan's face, there was no trace of fear in the enchanting phoenix eyes, instead, with a careful gaze, she scraped every detail of her face.

Brother Zhan...

On this familiar and unfamiliar face, you can still find the traces of Brother Zhan. The beautiful curved phoenix eyes and beautiful red lips perfectly blend the advantages of Brother Zhan and Shui Qinglan.

But why! She can see the shadow of Shui Qinglan from her body!

Yun Qingyan frowned. Mrs. Luo Yu looked at her, disgusted and admired for a while, causing her to get goose bumps all over her body.

Emperor Jiuque stretched out his hand to lightly Yun Yun into his arms, and looked at Mrs. Luo Yu with a bad eye.

Madam Luo Yu was shocked by the extremely cold gaze, and she reacted.

"It's okay to tell you." She gently curled her red lips and smiled like a succubus. "That stupid woman Shui Qinglan has sealed the magic core in your body."

"How dare you insult Her Royal Highness?!"

The murderous spirit flashed in the ghost's eye, and the hand holding the spear tightened. If it weren't for her to be useful to Yun now, I'm afraid he had already stabbed Mrs. Luo Yu with a single shot.

"Idiot." Mrs. Luo Yu glanced at him lightly.

After so many years, this guy actually thought she and Shui Qinglan were good sisters.

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