My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1562: Xiaoqueque, if you dare, I will dare~

"Do you dare?!" Di Jiuque, who was jealous and laughed because of Yun's light words, scowled his eyes, his eyes fell cold, the frost condensed in his eyes, and the dark tide was surging.

The atmosphere seemed to condense in an instant, frozen like an ice cellar.

Yun lightly raised his lips and smiled, his voice lazy and inattentive, "Xiaoqueque, you dare and I dare~"

Her voice was lazy and careless, but her black phoenix eyes were very serious.

The love she wants does not contain any impurities and stains.

If there is a betrayal, she will not hesitate to turn back!

Di Jiuque's heart suddenly tightened, as if being entangled in vines.

He could feel the seriousness and solemnity of Yun's casual tone.

He also knew very well that with her character, she would never give a betrayer a second chance.

"I won't give you a chance to practice." Di Jiuque's tone was light, the storm condensed in his eyes gradually dissipated, and there was calm under the dark eyes.

No rhetoric, no oath, he will prove everything with his actions.

She will be his only wife.

Spend his whole life with her forever glory!

Yun lightly turned his head, his eyes focused on that impeccably handsome profile.

Cold, noble, serious and solemn, his handsome face is tight, and his thin red lips are almost in a straight line, extremely charming.

Yao Shi was still immersed in the small fault of Yun Qingyan, and it took a long time to recover...


In the whole world, this Lord would dare to call that way, right?

The problem is, his family has always been arrogant and cold, but it really is like this-accept it!

And the look is so calm!

Yaoya felt that his values ​​and life outlook that he had erected for nearly hundreds of years was shattered in an instant!

The excitement of this day is so great that he is a little afraid to mention the beauty banquet now.

However, thinking of the pressure currently facing the Nine-Zhong Palace, Yaoya continued to say, "My honour, the banquet......?"

He was afraid to face Yun's lightly gaze.

After all, no woman doesn't want her husband to face a group of beautiful women.

"Don't go." Di Jiuque's voice was indifferent, and his magnetic voice was clear and noble.

"Yes." Yao Ya opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally swallowed.

Forget it, anyway, everyone knows that I don't like attending banquets. This is not the first time he has refused mercilessly.

Those guys in Sifang City, even if they have doubts, dare not act lightly for the time being.

"Come out." Suddenly, Di Jiuque faced a place in the air with a faint voice.

Faint fluctuations appeared in the air, and a man in a black leather costume showed his figure. With black horns and dark and dangerous vertical pupils, it was Guiichi.

"Master." Guiyi stroked his shoulder with his right hand and acted a respectful manner to Yun lightly.

"I'm not your master." Yun said lightly, looking at the stranger.

"I am Princess Lan's personal bodyguard. Princess Lan is not here, and the little princess is my master." A ghost said.

Mother's guard?

Yun lightly looked at Gui Yi, "Why should I trust you?"

Feize and Mrs. Luo Yu are cunning, and they do not rule out that the existence of Ghost One is their bitter trick.

In the depths of the ghost's right hand, a black light was slowly drawn out from his heart.

His body trembled slightly, as if enduring some great pain, but that handsome face was as rigid as a plasterboard, expressionless, only the white and trembling red lips showed his current state. Not wonderful.

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