My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1566: Hateful cloud war

I don’t know if Di Jiuque’s cold air is causing the trouble, Gui Yi quickly recovered from his memories, looking at Yun Qingyan with apologize on his face.

"Sorry, my lord, I just lost my mind."

"It's okay." Yun waved his hand lightly, "Go ahead. After my mother was arrested, where did my father go? And, how come you are with Mrs. Luo Yu?"

As a personal guard, if Shui Qinglan returns to the Demon Realm, Guiyi should go back with her.

"I followed His Highness Lan back to the Demon Realm together. Because of His Highness's disadvantage, I was banished by the Demon Emperor. When I was free again, I heard that His Highness Lan was imprisoned by the Demon Emperor.

At that time, I wanted to go to Xunlan but didn't know her location. Luo Yutuo told me that she knew the whereabouts of His Highness Lan, so I came here when the demon enchantment became loose. "A ghost," In fact, I have been in Tianyuan Continent for less than half a year. Luo Yu has been leaving me at the Fei's house these days. I asked her about the whereabouts of her Highness. She said that the time has not arrived and asked me to wait patiently for the time to rescue His Highness. "

Yun said that the corners of his mouth twitched, and he swept up and down to measure the ghost.

As soon as the ghost seemed to have an online IQ, why did he obey Luo Yu so casually?

As soon as the ghost was seen, his face turned red, and he quickly explained, "Luo Yu is the daughter of the Grand Duke of the Nightmare Race.

She and His Royal Highness Lan are similar in identity and have always been friends.

At the beginning, His Highness Lan came to Tianyuan Continent from the space-time gap of the border of the Demon Territory with Luo Yu. When His Highness Lan was recalled by the Demon Emperor, Luo Yu also helped His Highness Lan. So I thought Luo Yu would help me rescue His Highness Lan. "

Yun Qingyan has almost made things clear.

Mrs. Luo Yu and her mother Shui Qinglan discovered the passage to the Tianyuan Continent, and went out to play out of curiosity.

Shui Qinglan fell in love with Terran, and did not want to return to the Demon Realm. Eventually things were revealed, and her cheap grandfather took him back.

And Luo Yu did not know why he stayed in Tianyuan Continent and became the head mother of the Fei family.

As for why Luo Yu has changed so much... Combined with Luo Yu's performance when he saw her before, Yun Qingyan already knew something in his heart.

What Mrs. Luo Yu liked should be her father Yun Zhan, but her father fell in love with her mother, Luo Yu hated her mother because of love and hatred.

"After I came to Tianyuan Continent, I have been secretly inquiring about you and your father, but I found nothing."

The ghost clenched his fist, and his handsome face appeared distorted and bloodthirsty, and said angrily, "I thought Yun Zhan would take good care of you.

He didn't expect that he would dare to abandon you. "

Yun Qingyan saw the blue veins bulging out of the ghost's fist, and the whole person looked very gloomy and terrible, and he was angry.

She looked even more angry than she who had never seen her father since she was a child.

Yun Qingyan wiped his sweat secretly and said,

"I heard my grandfather say that my father is looking for his mother."

"Looking for Your Highness Lan?" The ghost frowned, his angry and sullen expression calmed down, but his face was still very unhappy, "Humph.

Even so, he shouldn't abandon you, your young lord. "

Yun Qingyan felt a great resentment from the ghost to his father. Because he didn't understand Yun Zhan and Guiyi, Yun Qingyan couldn't say anything.

Asked, "Kiichi, where are you going to go next?"

Since he ran out of the Demon Realm, he definitely couldn't go back.

Mrs. Luo Yu was taken away by Jiang Wuya again, and now he has nowhere to go.

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