My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1568: The origin of boundless territory

Guiyi was a little strange and said lightly why he would ask such questions, but he still answered one by one, "The princess is three hundred years older than His Royal Highness Lan."

Three hundred years old...

Yun said that when he heard this number, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

However, compared with the long life of a cultivator, three hundred years old is really not that old.

"As for the relationship between His Royal Highness Lan and the princess, I am not very clear.

His Royal Highness Lan is extremely talented in cultivation and is very much loved by His Majesty the Demon Emperor.

The princess ranks second in talent, but has won the support of the nobles of the Demon Realm, and has the potential to become the future prince.

Although His Royal Highness Lan threatened the eldest princess, His Royal Highness Lan did not intend to compete for the position of crown prince, and there should be no contradiction between the two Highnesses. "

"Okay, I see." Yun nodded softly.

Sometimes, even if you don't argue, it doesn't mean that the other party is not afraid.

She had a faint hunch that the old witch in Jiang Wuya's mouth was the great princess.

"Have you seen this?" Yun said lightly, taking out the border necklace from the profound ring.

The gloomy jewel appeared in Yun Qingyan's palm, the white and delicate skin and the black gloomy jewel were contrasted with each other, and the thin silver pendant appeared in her hand.

The black gemstone appears translucent, and there seems to be a rich purple flowing inside.

"Boundary boundless?!"

Gui Yi pupil shrank fiercely, because he was too shocked, and under his excitement, a pair of disguised eyes changed from round pupils to vertical pupils of the demon race.

Yun Qingyan heard that Jiang Wuya has also said the four words Jiangyu Wuya.

"you know?"

"Yeah." The ghost nodded, "This is the treasure left by the first Demon Emperor of the Eastern Region.

It was originally a black gem with infinite power, and the words "Boundless" are engraved in the gem.

The first generation Demon King accidentally entered the turbulent flow of time and space at the border of the Demon Territory and found this gem. He brought it out after nine deaths and tried to absorb the power inside but to no avail.

The Demon Emperor was unwilling to give up this gem, so he cut and polished the gem into two gems.

One of the gems retains the word territorial in the form of a necklace, and the holder of the territories is the future prince of the Eastern Demon Race.

The other one retains the word "Wu Ya". That gem was made into a scepter, symbolizing the supreme power of the Demon Emperor. Territory and boundlessness are the symbols of the supreme rights of the Eastern Demons. "

As soon as the ghost raised his head, he looked at Yun with scorching eyes and said lightly, "My lord, where did you get this gem?"

"My grandfather gave it to me and said it was a relic left by my mother." Yun replied softly, his eyes flickering.

Guiyi obviously thought of going with her, "His Royal Highness Lan has a territorial necklace, which shows that she has been established by the Demon Emperor as the Crown Prince."

"Yes..." Yun lightly nodded in agreement, "Then what you said before, my mother and the eldest princess do not have any conflicts."

The ghost looked worried, "The princess has been coveting the position of the Demon Sovereign for a long time, and she is stubborn and narrow-minded. If she knows that His Majesty the Demon Sovereign intends to establish His Royal Highness Lan as the Crown Prince, she will definitely not let her go easily."

Yun gently rubbed his temples with a headache.

Things are a bit tricky.

She even couldn't help but wonder whether her father would go to the Demon Realm to find his mother.

"I will get out of the Demon Realm as soon as possible to see." Yun said lightly.

However, as soon as she spoke, she was repeatedly rejected.

"No." Di Jiuque said coldly and firmly.

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