My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1577: What do you think is my nemesis?

The longer she gets along, the more she feels that Emperor Nine Que is too strong to resist. Moreover, as her cultivation level rises, this feeling not only does not disappear, but becomes stronger and stronger.

After her cultivation level was promoted, she felt even more mysterious and unpredictable about the aura of Emperor Nine Que.

It is like a frog at the bottom of a well. Only after jumping out of the patio can you realize how vast the sky is.

Yun Qingyan secretly guessed whether the nemesis of Emperor Jiuque would be boundless. After all, the scene of the thunder bombing of the two people in a wild confrontation was too shocking.

Hearing Yun Qing's question, Emperor Jiuque's stern phoenix eyes squinted towards her with profound meaning, Xuanmo's dark pupils were unspeakably meaningful, and a beautiful and stunning face approached Yun Qing in vain. He said, his voice was low and magnetic, with inexplicable deep meaning, "What do you think is my nemesis?"

Yun lightly touched his nose, where did she know his nemesis?

When the two talked, Xing Ling had already taken some people to pick the star full of grass, and a group of people straightened up and set off into the deep courtyard.

As soon as he entered the ghost forest, Yun said that his heart throbbed.

The sealed power in her heart became active again, and even the Chi Huanghuo was about to move, as if to fight another battle in her body.

Di Jiuque noticed her for the first time, and with a wave of his hand, an invisible barrier shrouded her and pulled people closer to him. The brows on Jun's face were already slightly frowned, "The evil spirit here is too heavy. , It will stimulate the sealed magic core in your body."

Yun said lightly thinking of the Chihuang Fire and Demon Core in her body. These two incompatible guys stayed in her body together, like timing explosives, which would explode at any time and then kill her.

In fact, whether it is the magic core or the red flames in her body, they are all treasures that others can't ask for. The bad thing is only bad, and her body contains both at the same time.

"Can the magic core be completely removed?" Yun asked lightly. The conversation between her and Di Jiuque was all soul transmission.

Xingling and the others could only see that they were close together as if they were talking, but they couldn't hear what they were saying.

Di Jiuque squeezed her hand, "The magic core is the life source of the demons.

What do you say? "

Yun lightly understood that this magic core might not be removed.

The magic core is equivalent to her heart, and her body will not survive if the magic core is removed.

It seems that I can only start from Chi Huanghuo.

Thinking of Huang Yan's indifference to the demon clan, Yun said that he suddenly had a headache.

Huang Yan was still asleep at this time, if he waited for his second seal breakthrough to wake up, how would she tell him about it? Will he do something with her?

"Huh!" Suddenly, a cold wind hit! A smelly wind passed by!

"Ah!" a wounded soldier screamed.

"Collect the formation! Be vigilant!" Xing Ling responded very sophisticatedly.

"It's a corpse man." Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque looked at each other.

"Master, the source is over there!" The Lightning Treasure Hunter pointed to a deep crypt and said to Yun, "All the corpses here are under the control of the corpse king! As long as you catch the corpse king, you can solve the group of corpses. !

I saw the corpse king refined by the old woman and was locked up below! "

"I'll go down first, you stay here." Yun said nothing, letting the lightning treasure hunter lead the way.


In the Wanye Academy, the pale-faced Jiang Wushu was holding a fiery red Yuanzhu.

The red primordial pearl is full of surging fire power, even if it is blocked, you can feel the huge energy contained in it.

A man on her bedside asked nervously, "Wushu, are you better?"

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