My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1611: I don’t see you care about the deity?

"Yeah." Yun nodded softly, expressing understanding.

The life span of the god-level is one thousand years, and the upper Yang life increases in turn, reaching the emperor class, and the life span is as high as ten thousand years. In the eyes of ordinary people, the life span of ten thousand years is almost immortal. The day of death.

"The soul reincarnates in time.

Reincarnation consumes the power of the soul. Normal souls, if they cannot grow their souls before they are alive, they will die when the power of the soul is exhausted.

Xingyuan people achieve the goal of eternal immortality by continuously extending their lifespan, increasing the time of life and reducing reincarnation.

But he—"He pointed his finger to the bed.

"Even if the cultivation base is high and long, he will be forced to'reincarnation' every 100 years, and every reincarnation will consume the power of the soul.

It might be fine for tens of thousands of years, but what about tens of millions of years?

When the power of the soul is exhausted, he will disappear completely. "

The corners of Huang Yan's mouth are cold, "The deity is bound in the profound ring, they also want to make the deity disappear completely by consuming the power of the deity's soul."

Yun Qingyan felt a little in his heart, and said eagerly, "How do I get rid of the curse? Will he be okay?"

In the past, the reverse growth occurred once every 100 years, but now the frequency of reverse growth of Emperor Jiuque is much greater than before.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's nervous and worried appearance, Huang Yan didn't know why he was a little bit nervous.

He snorted softly, "Don't worry, how could the soul of the deity be so weak?

Although I can't see him, I can feel the aura of his soul, at least for ten thousand years, he will be fine.

As long as we can merge, that little curse is nothing to us. "

Yun said silently and silently.

Little curse? This little curse has caused you a lot of trouble.

Huang Yan was too proud.

Yun said lightly that he had originally resisted the fusion of Emperor Jiuque and Huang Yan, but he always felt that after the fusion, he would not know them anymore.

But after hearing Huang Yan's words, she eagerly wanted them to merge soon.

"When will you merge."

"It's okay to wait for the nine seals on the deity to be lifted." Huang Yan said, "We have restrictions on us, so we can't perceive the other side's existence.

Now that the second way is unlocked, we can slightly perceive each other's breath, but cannot touch or see each other. When the restriction is lifted, our perception of each other will become clearer. "

Yun nodded softly. It turned out that Huang Yan couldn't see Emperor Jiuque for this reason.

"Why is your second seal lifted and he is still in a coma?"

"Girl, do you think those people who deal with the deity are vegetarian?" Huang Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "Every time the seal is lifted, the remaining seal will suppress us more strongly. That is what they left behind.

It is not easy to untie it completely. "

This is the same as the dying lone wolf fighting back.

"Don't worry. After a while, he will wake up later." After knowing that the other half of him is now in the state of a ‘non-threatening’ child, Huang Yan’s mood improved a lot.

He sat lazily on the head of the bed, eyebrows raised, and Tyrant's scarlet eyes swept to Yun lightly, "Girl, why are you so concerned about my reincarnation soul?"

I don’t see you care about the deity? "

Yun Qingyan rolled his eyes gracefully.

She was also curious, is Di Jiuque really his reincarnation soul? This guy is so unfriendly to himself!

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