My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1621: Should I hug you too?

It seems to be a coquettish little milk dog!

Yun Qingyan stretched out his hands to welcome the arrival of the little milk dog.

When the Jade Water Thunder Lion waited for the Warcraft, he watched the little figure and threw himself into the arms of his owner.

Comfort yourself in your heart.

They are not envious! I don't envy Carlos who is cute and petite mimicking his owner's arms!

When it really jumps in, let's see how the person in the room reacts!

"Humph." There was a light cold snort.

With a bit of childishness, but exceptionally majestic.

The sound was not heavy, but it was like thunder in Carlos' ears.

Carlos leaped forward and braked sharply, and finally stopped beside Yun Qingyan. He just lifted a paw obediently and acted like a baby.

"Master, Carlos misses you so much."

A pair of golden wet eyes stared at Yun Qingyan with admiration, raising his paws very aggrieved, "Carlos don't hug, just hold the paws."

The adult in the room forbids it to pounce on its owner.

Yun said lightly that he was going to be transformed by this little milk dog, oh no, the little milk wolf was adorable.

She is curious,

It is obvious that Carlos's father, that adult three-eyed wolf king is so majestic, cold and powerful, how did Carlos... uh... this character?

The fire cloud wolf king and others couldn't help but turned their heads in embarrassment.

My young master is really getting crooked!

They are wolves! Not a dog!

If it weren't for the natural suppression in the bloodline that made them unable to resist Carlos at all, they would doubt whether it was really the three-eyed wolf king.

Yun lightly hugged Carlos and rubbed its head, "Carlos, how much has your inheritance memory recovered after you enter the growth period."

"Recovered a little bit, but it hasn't fully recovered yet." Carlos said lightly, rubbing the cloud.

Yun said lightly, it's no wonder that Carlos's temperament is so childish, the original inheritance memory has not been fully restored.

Then this is not surprising.

When it accepts all the inherited memories, it will mature in mind overnight.

"It ran on the ground just now, and it's not dirty if you hold him." At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and a cold childish voice came.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qingyan saw Di Jiuque, who was not taller than his own thigh, looked like a pink jade, and had a pink bun face.

Every time after the reverse growth becomes small, he likes to keep his face straight and look young and old.

Outrageously proud!

Maybe it’s because you think it makes you look more... mature?

Yun Qingyan couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart.

Every time she saw Di Jiuque's stern face, she liked to tease him very much.

Yun Qingyan raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc of teasing, "Xiao Queque~ Are you jealous?"

Di Jiuque's beautiful bun's face instantly became stern, and he hummed softly, "Why does this deity want to be jealous of a little white dog?"

The typical not to admit to death!

Those eyes that fell on Carlos almost poke holes out of it.

"How about I also hug you?" Yun said lightly with a hand against his chin, with a smile on his face, reminding him very ‘kindly’.

"No need." Di Jiuque refused stubbornly, his childish face was very serious and cold, he glanced at Yun lightly and said coldly, "The deity is not a child."

His voice was emphasized.

This time he degenerates into an infancy state, not only has his strength not lost, but has increased.

It seemed that an invisible **** was untied, which surprised him very much.

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