My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1653: The battle ends too fast like a tornado

Anyway, she didn't plan to let them leave alive!

Yan Lun refuses to stand up for her, right? Then she will revenge herself! Although she is not very strong, she has a father!

Originally, Yuan Xi only planned to equip her with ten subordinate gods and five upper gods, but she was hesitant to talk about them lightly, and at least two-thirds of the elite group guards would come.

Last time she suffered from insufficient manpower. This time she learned a lesson!

Yuan Xiang was complacent at this time.

Thirty-two names are under the gods, and thirteen are upper gods. This time, these grassy wings are inevitable, right? The victory must be theirs! She wanted them to see what a big mistake it was to offend Yuan Xiang to her in Qingxi City!

"Fuck!" Yun said lightly with a whip, and the raised domineering and mighty power directly overturned the two low-level gods at the front.

She has no time to talk to Yuan Xiang now!

"My keel whip!" Yuan Xiang's eyes turned red as soon as he saw the whip in Yun Qingyan's hand!

That whip was nothing else, it was the sacred element dragon bone whip that Yun had lightly said yesterday as a trophy!

The same elementary weapon has almost 200% strength in Yun Qingyan's hands, and she can easily fly the third-order lower **** with the keel whip.

"Kill her for me! Get back my keel whip!" Yuan Xiang said lightly to Yun with a finger, his eyes flushed with arrogance.

Yun Jiang and others also drew their weapons together.

"Zheng!" The sword scabbed out with a sound.

In an instant, the swords and swords were so powerful that a battle was on the horizon.

The cultivators passing by nearby flew around in a hurry, with faint excitement on their faces, looking for a good place to watch the show from a long distance.

Gee! Someone offends Miss Qingxicheng! These people don't know that in Qingxi City, you can offend the city lord, but can't you offend the city lord's daughter?

However, the war that everyone expected did not happen.

Perhaps seeing Yun lightly said that the youngest person in this side, Emperor Jiuque, was the youngest and the best bully. Yuan Xiang's people took the lead to attack him, throwing countless complex Yuan skills at the little child.

Even passersby screamed in their hearts--

This is too shameless, right? ! The Santos Guards actually bullied the children!

However, their jaws almost fell in just a moment.

I saw that the child in the ink-clothed child who was in front of the crowd had a very beautiful face, gently stretched out a small white hand from the ink-colored long sleeves of unknown material, and waved.

At that moment, the colorful ray element skills disappeared together as if swallowed by the void.

"Ah!" The strong wind rushed upwards, even without giving the gods a chance to resist, and the body flew out directly.

The violent panic rose from the heart!

In front of the child, they seem to be the children without the strength to bind chickens!

So weak to doubt life!

"Let's go." Yun said lightly with a long whip and flew Yuan Xiang directly, and said to Yunjiang and the others.

Yunjiang and the others still maintained the posture of pulling out their weapons, stupefied on the spot.

Blink your eyes, blink your eyes again...

The battle... is this over?

They just pulled out their weapons!

It ended too soon, they didn't react, hey!

Yun Qingyan directly summoned the Jinpeng Thunder Eagle and let it lead them forward.

"Hey!" Jinpeng Lei Diao transformed into a huge body, and uttered a long cry, his sharp eyes swept towards Yunjiang and the others displeasedly, "Humans, come up soon."

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