Soon, there was a wave of bitter pressure in the sky.

A black-clothed, mighty, handsome man floated in the air, slid a very fast streamer in the sky, and landed above the judges' bench.

With a flick of his right hand, his cloak was flying, and a breath of majesty burst out.

"Welcome to the city lord!" The guards on both sides bent their knees in the air.

"Get up." Huo Lingtian waved his hand and brushed the guards with mighty energy, making them stand up, looking into the distance with scorching eyes, as if waiting for someone.

Others are also looking forward to it, wanting to know who the mysterious guest of City Master Ling Tian is, and to see the young master alchemist.

"Your Excellency Ding Xin, Elder Danzong from the central leader, is here!" Suddenly, the emcee shouted high.

In the distance, the rays of sunshine rose, and a gorgeous colorful feather lark flew to the judge seat.

Although animal trainers are rare, it is not difficult for a wealthy master alchemist to obtain a contracted monster.

Ding Xin carried his hands on his back, his body was straight, and he was dressed in a simple and generous alchemist robe. At this time, he looked like a master of the world.

"So that was Master Ding!"

"An extraordinary demeanor! You deserve to be a master alchemist!"

"The dress is simple, elegant and low-key, with little fame and fortune, really has a master style."

Admiration was heard everywhere.

Yun lightly sneered, not showing demeanor to the surrounding speech.

If he is really a master who is indifferent to fame and fortune and acting in a low-key manner, he won't be riding a color feather lark.

The beasts such as Caiyu Lark are not strong in combat power, and the flying speed is not fast. The only advantage is that they are graceful and easy to be domesticated. They are the best beasts used to pretend to be forced. Many sect families like to use it. Come as a guard of honor.

Yun said lightly that he only smiled, but Master Ding, who was standing on the Caiyu Lark, didn't know what was going on, and looked down as if he had heard it.

He snorted in disgust after seeing Yun's light remarks, then arrogantly retracted his gaze to let the lark continue to fly forward.

"City Lord Huo." Landing on the floating platform, Ding Xin retracted the colorful feather lark and arched his hand towards Huo Lingtian.

Huo Lingtian himself is a master of the God Emperor level, not to mention the background behind him, which is considered extraordinary and worthy of his deep friendship.

"Master Ding." Huo Lingtian's cold face showed a faint smile, and pointed to the soft spot next to him. "There are still a few guests who have not arrived, please trouble Master Ding for a while."

About three or four minutes later, a few more people wearing pharmacist robes flew over. They were different from Ding Xin, and the pharmacist robes on their bodies were all marked.

Yun Qingyan Xing Yuanli flowed into his eyes, fixed his eyes and found that it was the symbol of the Alchemist Union.

However, what is surprising about this team is that the man headed by him is a burly, rugged and handsome man with strong muscles. He is not at all like a pharmacist who stays with the pharmacist every day to make alchemy without leaving his house. On the contrary, it is like a stray mercenary going in the wind and rain.

He has a big head, and his hair stands up. Just looking at it from a distance, he can feel the hardness of the hair, like a hedgehog with exploded hair.

Behind the burly man, there were three old men with old faces and gray hair. They were more like pharmacists than the man.

What is strange is that the three old men respectfully lag behind the big man by one step, but are like his subordinates.

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