My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1723: They, I'm going to order

"City Lord Huo, if I say about them, I'm going to make it!" Yan Yi suddenly stood up from the seat with a sneer, rising from the sky, condescending in mid-air, with a sharp gaze at Yun Qingyan, asking.

"Kill my saint son, kill my elder, is it you?"

The real culprit, Feng Liao frowned, and planned to lift his invisibility and stand up.

He wanted to see, he killed people, what can this little palace master do with him!

But Yun said that he was faster than him,

"it's me."

Candid voice.

Arrogant gesture.

The little tiger tooth that the girl smiled slightly made her even more evil.

Everyone: "..."

Don't you just quibble? !

Yan Yi was choked infrequently, his eyes grew colder, he looked at Huo Lingtian,

"She confessed to her personally! This matter, City Lord Huo will leave it alone."

Yan Yi waved his hand, several **** emperors sprang out, his voice was cold and merciless, "Take these sinners down to me!"

As his last voice fell, suddenly, a gentle wind came from afar.

A big snow-white bird with a wingspan of over a hundred feet looms in the clouds, with pure cloud-like wings and long tail feathers, holy and elegant.

The guards dressed in tight-fitting Yun-woven clothes and embroidered low-luxury dark patterns on the cuffs followed closely behind them, each with extraordinary breath.

"Sigh..." The insider gasped fiercely.

Each of those guards has at least the cultivation base of God Emperor or above! Mommy, this is too abnormal, right?

"City Lord Huo, am I too late?"

On top of Shiratori’s head, a handsome and gentle-looking man in white with wide sleeves stood on it, with a gentle and elegant smile at the corners of his mouth, and his long black hair was lightly tied behind his head by a simple vaginal discharge. His temperament was as ethereal as a white cloud, like a ban As clear as a fairy.

His coercion is not fierce, but it gives people a feeling of vastness like the ocean.

"Huh?" Yun Qingyan heard a soft voice from Feng Liao next to her.

Did Feng Liao know this man in white?

As soon as he saw the man, Huo Lingtian's sculpturally cold face suddenly rose with surprise, and he stroked his right shoulder with one hand, his waist slightly bent forty-five degrees, "Sect Master Bai."

The guards of Ling Tiancheng on both sides also saluted.

Hou Baiyan's face twitched violently-hi.


Bai Su, the lord of the Baiyun Sect, really came to Ling Tiancheng! His news is true!

"You don't need to be polite." The big bird disappeared, and Bai Su landed on the high platform gracefully, with a faint smile on his face, "This is our private visit, so you don't need to pay attention to our seat.

Even Yan Yi, who was arrogant and arrogant just now, looked like a tiger with his claws in front of Bai Su, with a slight look of respect and awe on his face, "Sect Master Bai Shengan."

Hou Baiyan also bowed, his face was convincing.

Bai Su said that he didn't need to be polite, but they dared not go too much.

The people below were shocked!

Who is this here?

The Red Sun Palace Lord, the Lingtian City Lord, and the Dan Wanghou Grandmaster, why all of them slumped down and made their heads lower?

However, they were itchy, the three above just didn't reveal the identity of Bai Su, everyone only thought that the gentle and elegant white man must be extremely noble! Very powerful!

"The time has come, City Lord Huo, why hasn't your pharmacist meeting started yet?" Bai Su looked up at the sky and smiled faintly.

Huo Lingtian pursed his lips and arched his hands. "It's like this. I have a wanted criminal from the Red Sun Palace, who is a participant in the competition.

According to my Ling Tiancheng rules, everyone in Ling Tiancheng treated equally, unless in the arena of life and death, otherwise fighting is not allowed, but Palace Master Yan insisted on arresting people at this time, causing repeated delays in the game. "

Yan Yi gritted his teeth. He could have arrested people directly, but now that Bai Su is here, he is not as presumptuous as before.

"Sect Master Bai does not know that these wanted criminals killed my son of the Red Sun Palace, and the crime is terrible. If we don't arrest them, how can our Red Sun Palace serve the public?

I'm afraid that the lord of the palace will condemn me! "

He didn't dare to hold on to Bai Su, but their palace lord was at the same level as him. This matter had nothing to do with Bai Su, and he believed that Bai Su would not be involved in a dirty hand.

Today, Yun said lightly that he Yan Yi had caught those people!

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