My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1732: Kneel down, admit your mistakes! [Four more]

Huo Lingtian and Hou Baiyan were shocked to their hearts.

Who can make this adult be so polite? !

The air around Yun Qingyan began to faintly fluctuate, and the gust of wind lingered on her side, and a handsome, cold blue man walked out of it.

"Madam, are you okay?" After Feng Liao appeared, he did not answer Bai Su's culture, but first respectfully greeted Yun with a light greeting.

Yun lightly raised his eyebrows, knowing that he was standing up for himself.

Still stepping on Bai Su's head to give her power.

"It's okay." Yun Qingyan shook his head and chuckled. She knew that Feng Liao was sent by Emperor Jiuque as a thug.

With a blast of madam, Bai Su's heart made waves.

Feng Liao can call his wife willingly, it can only be that person...

In other words, that day, did he read it wrong?

Yunhu felt like the sky was spinning! Staring at Venus!

what's the situation! He is going to be confused!

The distinguished guest, who was regarded as the guest of honor by the Lord of the Palace of Red Sun and City Lord of Ling Tian, ​​was polite to the blue-clothed youth of unknown origin and called him your Excellency? !

But the young man in blue respectfully calls Yun Qingyan his wife?

Doesn't that mean that Yun Qingyan's identity is more than a few steps higher than the Lord of the Red Sun Palace?

How is this possible! Didn’t Yun Litian’s granddaughter come from the lower realm? ! How is it possible to meet those peerless giants?

Yunhu's regret! My bowels are blue with regret!

He worked hard all his life to please all forces, just to hold his thick legs and climb up.

But now, he unexpectedly missed a thick leg of pure gold and diamonds, and even offended others to death! What should I do? !

Originally, the little girl had the blood of the Yun family. If he was polite to her and Yun Litian, he might still be respected by the grandfather of the third ancestor. This relationship is much stronger than he was careful to please other forces, but let him go. Ruined, completely ruined!

"Hmm!" Yunhu snorted suddenly and fainted with anger.

"Three Elders?!"

"Three elders, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Yunhu fainted, the Yun family disciple, who was still immersed in the shock brought by Yun Qingyan, quickly recovered and hurriedly helped him.

My heart is crazy!

by! Say dizzy, dizzy!

How could a master of God Emperor level be so vulnerable? How much water did the three elders' cultivation base mix?

However, under the shock of Feng Liao's smash, Yunhu's little movement couldn't make a splash.

After Bai Su's heart trembled fiercely, he immediately recovered!

He pointed his finger at the ground in front of Yun Qingyan and Feng Liao, and commanded the man who had rashly shot before.

"Yu Ye, kneel down and admit your mistakes!"

The gentle voice became cold and determined.

"Wh...what?!" The peak **** emperor who shot his face twitched, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Want him to be a peak **** emperor to kneel down? !

He raised his head to look up at his noble and powerful Sect Master. At this time, only a piece of ice-like coldness and majesty remained on the face of the Sect Master who had always been gentle and kind!

"Didn't you hear my order?

Kneel down!

Until Miss Yun forgive you! "Bai Su looked down at him with a cold and majestic gaze, and there was an extremely overbearing pressure inside!

This is the true appearance of Sect Master Baiyun! It is an irresistible majesty to tear a gentle appearance!

Yun Qingyan also did not expect that Bai Su would do this to such an extent!

Yu's ambition trembled, and the command of the suzerain could not be resisted.

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