My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1737: Who killed the son of this palace? ! 【Nine changes】

At the moment when Yan Yi's vitality disappeared, the red sun that had been cut in half suddenly fluctuated violently, and an angry roar seemed to be coming through countless time and space——

"Who?! Who killed the son of this palace?!"

The red sun exploded, the sky was dyed red, and the terrifying majesty poured down from the sky. A phantom of a middle-aged man with twinkling eyes and majestic majestic appeared above the vast sky, armored and fierce, with red eyes!

The cold and majestic eyes glanced down mercilessly, like a **** looking down on a mortal, and there was an irresistible rage in his eyes!


The sudden and powerful pressure made the stars of the stars present a sweet throat, and their bodies instantly knelt down and bowed uncontrollably.

"Humph." A naive cold snort.

The majesty suppressed by the mountains was swept away.

Red Sun's heart suddenly shook, and he could dispel his majesty, at least he was a master of the same level!

"Red Sun, is this your attitude when talking to the deity?" Di Jiuque stood with his hand in his hand, his small body, clearly standing on the ground, gave people an illusion like he was looking down at a giant in the sky.

"You?" The magnified angry blood eyes moved to the ground, suddenly startled.

a child?

Do not! wrong!

How can this child give him a familiar feeling?

"Who are you?!" His voice still carries the anger of losing his beloved son.

How could Emperor Jiuque be patient to talk nonsense with him?

At the end of the playing game, he is still the emperor of God's Domain.

With a cold face, he flicked his right hand.

A cluster of silver flames shot toward the projection in the sky.

At the moment the flame came out, the temperature of the entire space not only did not increase, but also dropped several degrees!

Red Sun's pupils shrank fiercely.

Silver...silver ice flame, this is...

But Emperor Jiuque didn't give him a chance to speak again. As soon as Yin Yan was stained with the phantom, it burned violently, instantly burning the majestic projection in the sky into nothingness.

It seems that the mighty and tall peerless power before is just a dream for everyone.

At the same time, the main hall of the Red Sun Palace.

"Ugh! Hohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a majestic and majestic middle-aged man staggered back a few steps, his face was pale, his head was sweating, and his mouth made a bellows-like hoh.

"Palace Master!"

"Master Palace!"

The quiet main hall seemed to have been switched on, and it became lively in an instant. The maid Miki who was waiting came up with concern and supported the man.

"Palace Master, what's wrong with you?"

Hong Ri tried to stabilize his figure, being burned by the silver flame, the feeling of cold entering his soul had not dissipated.

Fortunately... Fortunately, it was just a shadow of his divine mind. If it were his body, I'm afraid it would have been inevitable at this time.

Before the anger on that face that had always been cold and mighty, it was stained with a layer of panic and fear from the flesh and blood!

"Where is the great elder?! Quick! Quickly call him back.

Let's... see you at Jiuzhonggong together! "

He must figure out whether the child who shot is the one from Jiuzhonggong, or...that child!

Yin Yan, the ice flame that freezes the soul, he can't think of anyone else except the one in the Nine Palace!


East Ming domain, Ling Tiancheng.

The venue was in a mess.

What happened in one day has almost subverted everyone's Three Views. Now, they are dumbfounded, and they seem to hear the sound of their own Three Views breaking apart.

The genius alchemist master lost to an unknown 12th-tier alchemist girl.

Lingchuan led the supreme Red Sun Palace branch hall master, was killed by a child with the palm of his hand.

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