Yun Qingyan suddenly felt a warmth coming from his fingertips, and fixed his eyes to see that a small firebird, the weakest among the seven brothers, was licking her wound that was pecked by Ming.

"This is Ming Qi." Ming Huo Niao looked at the little cub with a ray of pity in his eyes, "It is the weakest of this group of cubs. It is inherently insufficient and may not survive the growth trial. "

"Growth trial?" Yun said lightly and looked at Minghuo Niao suspiciously.

"Yes. We, the Dark Firebird clan, are thrown into the adult green snakes by cubs every spring.

Only those who survive and capture their prey are eligible for survival. "

Yun Qingyan took a deep breath, "Blue Spirit Snake Group? Isn't that the average adult strength of the middle-level lower gods? They are so small."

Moreover, Bi Ling Snake is a gregarious type of monster, and its combined strength is close to the **** king.

"They will be able to grow to the realm of the lower gods in the spring of next year." Minghuoniao said, "if they can't reach it, they can only be eliminated."

When he said this, the voice of the Dark Firebird was a little cold.

Yun Qingyan then deeply felt the cruelty of World of Warcraft.

"Among this group of cubs, Ming Yi has the strongest aura. He was already a super-divine beast at birth. Ming Er to Ming Liu are all hovering in the sect, and only Ming Qi is the mysterious."

The Dark Firebird shook his head, "When the Dark Firebird is young, it needs to be nourished by the fire source of its parents to grow up. The more fire source it gets, the stronger it will become in the future.

But the fire source we can provide is certain, and their father is dead again..."

The night firebird said there was a sound.

Yun Qingyan had already faintly heard her meaning, his eyes widened in horror, "Do you want to abandon Ming Qi?"

She realized that she looked at the little bird who was nuzzling her affectionately, thin and weak, and very weak among a group of brothers and sisters.

His eyes were hydrated, and he didn't seem to know the ending of being abandoned.

The Dark Firebird was very helpless, "Little Master...I can't help it.

Without sufficient fire nourishment, we, the Firebird clan, cannot grow up smoothly.

If I choose to divide equally, none of them can only grow smoothly. "

"Is there no substitute for the source of fire?" She didn't understand what kind of mechanism was in the Dark Firebird clan.

"If there is... the different fire is fine." Minghuo Niao hesitatedly looked at Yun and said lightly, "However, the unowned fire is too difficult to find, and the different fire can do too much damage to the young bird... "

Yun lightly understood.

Only with the master's different fire, you can control the power as the master wants.

She sighed gently, and held the bird whose feathers were much dimmer than her brothers and sisters in her hand, "Give me Ming Qi.

I have a strange fire that can nourish it. "

A wave of waves appeared in the eyes of Hades.

Yun Qingyan looked at the Dark Fire Bird and said, "Nether Fire, you don't have to be like this.

You are now my grandfather's contract beast, and at the same time, I also treat you as a family member as a friend.

You need my help to nourish Xiao Mingqi, just open your mouth, I will not refuse you. "

At this moment, why didn't Yun Qingyan know that Minghuo Niao gave himself a set to induce himself to agree to help nourish Mingqi?

The beast, who has always been known as straightforward and simple, also has this kind of oblique thoughts.

But Yun said lightly that she was not disgusted with her thoughts.

Although she seemed to be indifferent to the mutilated cub on the surface, her love for the cub was buried deep in her heart.

She did all this for her child, and Yun said that he could understand it lightly.

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