My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1763: Eat a spirit fruit to calm down

A Lai family gritted their teeth and was very angry.

The prey was about to enter the net, but wandered around the trap a few times and left. How depressing this is to the hunter!

"Qingyan girl, what are you doing?" Yun Rong stayed in front of Yun Qingyan and asked curiously.

"Grandpa, you just wait to watch a good show." Yun said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "You said, in the forest on the right side of this loess slope, there are a group of spiked night rhinos?"

"Yes." Yun Rong nodded, "Don't worry. Although the Spiked Rhinoceros is an irrational violent beast, they are all creatures that come out at night and come out for food only at night. Otherwise, I wouldn't risk it Take you to cut corners because of danger."

"Oh." Yun Qingyan showed a faint smile on his face, took out hundreds of small bottles, and threw them forward.

Then Xing Yuan Li aimed at the vial falling in front of him.

"Boom!" The vial was broken by Xing Yuanli, and a lot of liquid fell one after another, like rain.

Yun Rong felt even more curious about Yun's light words.

This little girl is really mysterious, and she didn't tell her what she was doing?

But a curiosity made Yun Rong couldn't bear it anymore, "Girl, what are you throwing?"

A black smile appeared at the corner of Yun's mouth, stunningly alluring, "An extract extracted from a pollen that Warcraft loves very much. It's loved by Warcraft. Just wait and watch the show, and you can do it when it's critical."

Yun Rong was even more curious, feeling as uncomfortable as scratching his lungs.

After doing all this, Yun said lightly and released the lightning treasure hunter.

The golden light flashed, and it disappeared into the air like lightning.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Qingyan stayed idle on the ground and sat cross-legged in the air, throwing Lingguo into his mouth from time to time, and also threw a few to Yun Rong, "Grandpa Rong, eat together."

"You little girl, what the **** are you doing? Grandpa will be curious to death by you."

Yun Rong took the Lingguo in Yun Qingyan's hand and sighed and shook his head.

"What is she doing? Why did you sit down and eat the spirit fruit?" The ambushing Lai family was even more curious.

A man couldn't help but said, "Should we rush out now?"

"No! Part of their children are hanging far behind, we can't do a one-shot kill.

As long as there is time to escape, they will send a message to the family master Yun.

This is not far from the East City. If the head of the Yun family comes to support us, we will be dumped instead. Wait patiently. "The other person said with a calm face.


"Boom boom boom!"

The whole earth shook.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and there seemed to be a behemoth stepping on the ground.

"What's the matter?" Yun Rong looked around questioningly, and at the same time asked the doubts in the hearts of those Lai family members.

However, when his gaze swept to a certain place, Yun Rong's eyes glared, almost falling out of their sockets.

"This... my goodness!"

In the distance, a shadow rushed like a thick cloud. The body was more than ten feet tall and covered with spikes, giving people a suffocating pressure.

The point is, this is not one but a group!

A group of wild beasts!

Spiked Night Rhinoceros!

"Kingyan girl, let's run quickly!" Yun Rong sweated on his forehead, and he lifted Yun Qingyan's arm and prepared to escape!

Damn it! Such a large group of irrational spiked night rhinoceros, even he can't handle it!

"Grandpa Rong, what are you worried about? Eat a Lingguo first to calm down." Yun gently shook the Lingguo in his hand and threw it into the mouth, with a joking expression on his face.

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