"What?! God King Dan?!"

With the sound of gasp, Yun Rong and the others showed horror on their faces.

For small families like them on the border of the East Sea, the **** emperor is already the highest level master in the family, and the **** king is the mainstay of a family. The division of power between them is mostly based on the number of **** kings.

The **** king pill can make the **** king quickly promote to the first rank!

Don't underestimate this level, the difference between the first level may determine the outcome of a battle. Moreover, for the pinnacle **** king, taking the **** king pill can increase the probability of breaking through to the **** king.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to break through to the emperor.

"How can the Lai family refine the materials of the God King Pill?" Yun Rong's face showed a condensed expression, those materials are not cheap.

"Moreover, there is no pharmacist in the Lai family who can refine the God King Pill."

To refine the God King Pill, two conditions are required, one is to have a different fire of the God King level, and the other is to be a master refining medicine.

Not to mention that these two conditions are met at the same time, it is not easy to achieve one of them. How can it be found in a small place like Lingchuanling?

Yun said lightly, thoughtful, and suddenly the corner of his lips twitched, "There was not before, but recently, there is one."

Yun Rong and the others seemed to have been empowered by Daigo, "Quietly girl, you mean, the pharmacist Qu Yang who participated in the pharmacist meeting with you before?"

If Yun did not appear lightly, that person would be the most shining person in this pharmacist conference.

"Not sure." Yun said lightly and put the ring away. "However, no matter what the Lai family's idea is.

The materials of this **** king pill are in our hands, right? "

Oh, she will not let go of the person who hurt Grandpa.

Yun Rong just remembered that, Yun lightly said that the strange fire in his hand, but directly crushed the mysterious tortoise spirit fire of that young genius alchemist's domineering existence.

The rank is definitely above the Divine King Rank Misfire, and now there is only one key question——

"Quietly girl, you...you...are you the master alchemist?" Yun Rong asked with trembling fingers, pointing at Yun Qingyan, feeling that his little heart could no longer stand the shock of this little girl.

"Aren't you still a Tier 12 Alchemist a few days ago?"

Yun lightly squinted at him, "Who said I am a Tier 12 pharmacist? I only have the badge of Tier 12 pharmacist."

"Puff!" Everyone vomited blood.

Dare to love this evildoer, it's really more than a Tier 12 alchemist. How old is she? ! People are more popular than others.

In this case, isn't she even more talented than the young master alchemist?

"But I'm not the master refining medicine." Looking at the expressions of the people, Yun said kindly and comforted, "I just touched the threshold of the master refining medicine now. I want to refine the **** king pill to see if I can enter the refining. The gate of Master Pharmacist."

The standard for an advanced alchemy master is to refine a god-rank pill.

This is also very enchanting, okay? !

Everyone vomited blood, how could she make what the refining **** Wang Dan said was as simple as drinking water and eating?

A normal pharmacist, who first explored the door of the pharmacist, are all refining pills of the lower **** level...

She is good, and challenges the **** difficulty as soon as she comes.

Ignoring everyone's monster-like gazes, Yun lightly sorted out the things in the Profound Ring, "I want these alchemy materials, and let you share the others equally."

"Hmm." No one disputed.

Refining medicine materials is also a waste to them. Only in the hands of Yun Qingyan can they exert their greatest value.

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