"I'm going to find a few secret elders and ask them to give us justice." Yun You clenched his fists hard and ran in the other direction.

"Third brother, lightly speaking girl, you guys rest here first. I'll go to ask the Patriarch for instructions." Yun Rong first settled everyone in the lounge and got up to leave.

Suddenly, an angry roar came from a distance.

"He Fangxiaoxiao! I bullied my Yun family and bullied me! I really think I'm so bullied by the Yun family!"

Yun Qingyan's mouth was filled with a hint of coldness, and the finding fault finally came to the door.

"It's Elder Huo." Yun Litian and Yun Rong looked at each other.

"I'll take a look." Yun Rong said, just about to leave, an old man with all red hair and beard and irritable looking like a burning flame appeared at the door. His piercing eyes swept around and saw the chain of gods bound. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes as Yunhu tied the miserable and embarrassed Yunhu.

But when he saw the culprit holding the chain, the rage on his face was abrupt.

A young girl in a red dress was sitting on a nanmu chair, drinking tea with a calm expression.

"It turned out to be a little girl?" Elder Huo whispered incredulously.

It is obvious to all that Yun Huxiu would be eaten to death by such a little girl.

His gaze fell on the chain again, and Elder Huo's eyes tightened again, "Bind the chain?!"

The god-binding chain that can trap the **** emperor, I don't know what rank it is, at least it is a god-king weapon!

"You'er, who did you say caught Yunhu?" At this time, there were a few more sounds outside, and two figures flashed over quickly, and Yun You was standing beside him.

The auras of the two elders are very heavy. One of the two elders is sharp as a blade, and the other is thick. It can be seen that they are of the gold and earth.

"It's her!" Yun You said lightly with a finger to Yun, and said angrily, "Elder Jin and Elder Tu, she not only asked someone to chop off a finger of the great-grandfather, she also **** and dragged the great-grandfather all the way, let us say The family loses face."

Yun said that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Although she was indeed the one who tied Yunhu, Yunhu's finger... it didn't matter to her.

Who told this guy to point his finger at Di Jiuque and ask him to apologize, isn't this looking for death? It's good if you don't die!

The eyes of the two elders flashed sharply, and the sharp Xing Yuan Li exploded on their bodies, and the coercion lightly shrouded towards Yun.

"Two secret elders, this is a misunderstanding." Yun Rong immediately jumped out to stop.

"Everyone looks like this?! What else is there to misunderstand? My Yun family is not bullied by outsiders who want to bully!" Jin elder breathed sharply.

"It's easy to say that she is Litian's granddaughter, not an outsider." Yun Rong said immediately.

Yuntian stood up from behind Yun Rong and faced the three elders, "Yun Litian, meet the three secret elders."

The five secret elders of the Yun Family are even higher than the Patriarch, and they have also been the guardians of the Yun Family for nearly a thousand years.

"It turns out that it's you, the little one who came back." When Elder Huo saw Yuntian, his violent aura instantly dissipated, and he glanced at Yun and said lightly.

"Yes, even the granddaughter is there."

"Cough cough." Yun Tian coughed straightly. At such an old age, he was still called a little troublesome, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Yun Litian! You traitor, you stole Yun Haizhu and ran away.

Dare to come back now! "Elder Jin is different from Elder Huo. At the moment he saw Yuntian, the power of sharp Jinfeng burst out.

The coercive eyes glanced at Yun Qingyan.

"Not only that, but also wounded the law enforcement elder! The crime is even more serious!"

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