My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1778: Are you apologizing to the wall?

Throwing a few spatial rings into the Profound Ring, Yun said lightly that his sharp eyes shot towards Yun Jin, "Elder Jin, eh?"

If everyone still felt that Yun's light words to make Elder Jin apologize were too overwhelming.

So now, they think it's a matter of course.

The **** emperor-level elders of the Red Sun Palace personally came to apologize, and also took out the man to apologize. What do you mean by bending over to apologize?

"Lao Jin, accept your gambling and lose." Elder Huo was unwilling to add to the flames.

Yun Bai coughed slightly, "Elder Jin, although it is really wrong to let you and a junior confess your mistakes.

But this is also with your consent..."

Elder Jin's expression worsened, he looked to one side and forced his tone to stiffen, "I'm sorry!"

Yun Qingyan blinked and took his grandfather aside, "Elder Jin, are you apologizing to the wall?"

Yuntian looked at his granddaughter and sighed in his heart. He was already stubborn as a child, but compared with Yun Qingyan...

Even the elders of the secret law can be crushed, and his granddaughter is too powerful.

Elder Jin's expression was even more ugly, his eyes glared at Yun lightly, his voice raised a little, "I'm sorry!"

Yun Qingyan just clapped his hands, "Elder, you apologize, you really make the younger generation panic. Those who don't know think you are going to eat me."

Elder Jin's forehead bounced with blue veins, his anger surged upward and pierced his reason.

Yun Qingyan also knows how to accept it if you see it well, "Although the elder's apology is quite insincere. However, who called you an elder?

I'm a junior, my arm can't twist my thigh, so forget it. "

Seeing the girl shook her hand as if I didn't care about you, Elder Jin was so angry that she was about to have a heart attack.

Just like this, dare to say that you are a junior? It was so arrogant that he would lift the roof of the Yun family.

"Patriarch, Yunhu has not only conspired against my grandpa and me many times, but also colluded with the Red Sun Palace to obtain the most precious cloud sea pearl. If it weren't for my luck with my grandpa, I would have died thousands of times.

What do you plan to do with him? "

Yun Bai frowned, colluding with outsiders, but a felony.

Before Yun Bai could speak out, Yun Qingyan said ‘kindly’, “Before, Elder Yunhu reminded me and Grandpa that betraying the family is a felony.

Either die, or expel the family from the family by bleeding and deboning. "

"Yun speaks lightly to you!" Yun Hu was originally in the corner with a gray face, and when he heard these words, he became excited and struggling again.

"Wow!" Yun said lightly that a star strength penetrated into the God-Binding Chain, the chain contracted, and tightly contained his throat, making the rest of his words stuck in his throat.

"Patriarch! This must be a misunderstanding! Grandpa Grandpa, who has been diligent for a hundred years, would betray the family?" Yun You's face paled, he knelt down at random, and pulled Elder Larkin.

"Grandpa Jin!"

Yun Jin's face was gloomy and he didn't speak any more. Just now, he was so embarrassed that Yun Hu Zuoyan had made him extremely depressed. How could he stand up again now?

Moreover, he didn't like Yunhu. He came to help this time, but he heard that someone was making trouble to the base camp of the Yun family, wanting to maintain the face of the Yun family, and by the way appreciate Yun You a little bit.

The previous events have wiped out his goodwill for Yun You a lot.

Seeing that the foreign aid was also unreliable, Yun You panicked, "Patriarch! Don't forget!

They are not the Yun family at all, isn't Yun Litian expelled from the family for stealing the family treasure and fleeing?

After he came back, he still refused to return Yun Haizhu, and his attitude was tough. Grandpa Grandpa's actions against them are understandable! That's all Grandpa Grandpa wants to get back the Yunhaizhu for the family as soon as possible! "

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