Yun Rong coughed slightly, "I forgot to tell you all.

In Lingtian City, not only her friend shot Yan Yi to death, but she... also successfully refined the ancient pill of City Lord Lingtian and defeated a master refining medicine..."

"Hiss!" This time, Rao, the old monsters with incomparable psychological quality, also let out a audible air-conditioning sound.

Is this girl a monster?

This is how old they are, and what they have done is even more exciting than all of them in their entire life.

Whether it's going to the Red Sun Palace, smashing the head of the branch hall, or making alchemy, defeating the master alchemist when he is a teenager, where is this pile of things not legendary? How many stars can do it?

But these things happened so naturally to her.

It seemed that they were about to see another legend rise on the mainland.

Even Yun Jin couldn't hold his face anymore, and said, "Refining medicine...what about the refining master?

It may not be able to cure the ancestor's injury! "

The others immediately stared at him dissatisfied.

Even the master alchemist can't cure it. Isn't this cursing the ancestor?

Yun Jin's face twitched, he consciously failed to speak, and finally calmed down.

He just said that only in anger. There were not many masters in the Eastern Sea Realm, and they were already unavailable.

His words are like saying that the ancestor must die.

"Second brother, ancestor, what is going on?" Yun Tian looked at Yun Bai.

"A hundred years ago, an ice **** emperor-level master wanted to break into our forbidden area and was intercepted by the ancestor.

In the hands of the match, although the opponent was seriously injured, he was unfortunately hit in the palm of the opponent. I don't know what kind of weird technique the opponent is practicing. That palm is not only the ultimate ice, but also contains the cold poison of ice attributes.

Although the ancestor has been suppressing it with his cultivation base, the cold poison can no longer be suppressed because of the old ancestor's age.

Ten years ago, when the cold toxin broke out, the ancestor fell into a coma. The family has been collecting fire-attribute strange objects to help him resist cold, but it was a drop in the bucket. "

At this point, Yun Bai clenched his fist, and his original elegant face showed a bit of anger and ruthlessness, "If the ancestor was seriously injured and unconscious, how could the Lai family dare to be so arrogant."

Yun Bai's words made everyone's faces solemn, and the Lai family had acted more and more excessively recently, almost torn apart.

The final general attack was not launched, just because they were still testing, not sure whether their ancestors were in retreat or were really dying.

Another ordinary elder's face also showed a bit of loneliness, "Recently, many of our expatriates were secretly killed by the Lai family. They have been weakening our strength.

Now, even in the East City, they dare to do something to our people. "

Everyone’s expressions were full of anger. The Lai family and the Yun family are not much different in strength. In fact, the Yun family is even better, because their ancestors are the fifth-order **** emperor, and the Lai family’s is the fourth-order **** emperor. .

Even if it is only a first-order gap, the level of the **** emperor is too deterrent. Once an attack is launched, it may be the end of the fisherman's profit.

But now it's different. There are two levels of Yin and Yang. Once one pole is out of balance, the balance will be destroyed.

"Patriarch, can you take me to see the ancestor?" Yun said softly.

Yun Tian looked at his granddaughter, his eyes lit up, "Yan'er, are you sure?"

"I can't say 100%, there should be 70 or 80%." Yun said lightly.

Isn’t the opposite of ice the fire?

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