The attendant looked embarrassed and was at a loss.

This was terrible. The Patriarch had told him to entertain the little evil star. As a result, before he sent people to the courtyard, someone was looking for trouble.

Yun Qingyan followed the voice of Yukong and flew away, and saw Yun Lu and Yun Xiao brother and sister being surrounded by a group, punching and kicking.

Although Yun Xiao is usually shy, she also made a fierce force at this time, blocking her sister behind him, and fiercely hitting the besieging people around him.

One person was slapped severely without notice, and was immediately angry, "What a courage! You dare to beat the main line of the main family! Is this going to rebel?"

"Fuck!" Yun Xiao was beaten and his face was bruised. There was blood flowing out of his nose, and a delicate face was completely swollen into a pig's head.

He knows that there is a huge difference between the identities of the branch and the main line, so he just tolerated it at first, but they were too much!

"Old man!" A tall and fit young man slammed Yun Xiao with a fist. If the fist implied a strong wind, if it was smashed, it might be bloodied.

"You are not allowed to beat my brother!" Yun Lu gritted her teeth, like a fierce female leopard, with the star power in her hand blasting at people.

"How dare you use Star Power!" The popularity of being bombarded was decimated.

The Yun family has regulations, but if the Yun family disciples are not in the martial arts hall, they cannot use star power to attack the tribe, and those who violate it will be punished heavily.

"We will tell the law enforcement hall.

Humph! You are done! "

Yun Lu's face was panicked, she was also anxious just now for her brother's injury.

Unauthorized use of star power to attack clan members, ranging from severe punishment to severe punishment, and expelling from the family.

If you don't keep it all, you have to hurt your brother and father.

"Lulu, good fight."

Just when Yun Lu was panicked, a clear voice came from the front.

Yun Lu looked over at a loss, but her face was calm and plain as white as a moon. The flamboyant expression between her brows and eyes pierced into people's hearts like a sharp sword, so that people could not ignore her existence.

"Who are you?" The young man who was beaten up clutched his painful corner of his mouth, and looked at Yun with a fierce look. "I advise you, don't be nosy."

Only a few of the Yun family children who saw Yun Qingyan in the lobby, ordinary children like him, naturally I have never seen Yun Qingyan.

Seeing this girl's face was strange, he didn't care at all.

In the past few days, many branches and collateral lines have been recalled to the main house. It is normal for him to be unfamiliar.

Yun said lightly and didn't even look at them, and walked straight from his side to Yun Lu and them.

The young man's eyes flashed fiercely, and a punch slammed Yun Qingyan's head.

Above, the faintly entwined star power is very conspicuous.

After he succeeded, he thought about the wording of his defense. They were attacked, and they had to use star power to fight back.

The sound of breaking wind tore, Yun Lu shouted, "Sister Yun, be careful!"

Yun Xiao in front of her has already taken a step forward quickly, trying to knock Yun Qingyan away.

"Kacha!" A clear voice sounded, accompanied by an intolerable scream.

Yun Qingyan seemed to have eyes growing behind his back, one hand stretched back, five fingers wrapped around the opponent's fist, and he twisted fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a bang, and the young man was thrown out like a sackcloth.

The others' eyes widened, watching this scene quietly.

The person thrown out was Yun Fu, the old son of Yun Gui, one of the law enforcement elders, otherwise he would not dare to bully others so arrogantly.

At this moment, Yun Xiao's body that rushed up hadn't stopped due to inertia, and he was about to hit Yun Qingyan like that.

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