"Do it!" With a shout, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

"What are you doing?!" A cold voice came.

A young man in tight tights flew over.

It was the person who led the way for Yun Qingyan.

Originally, he wanted Yun to do something lightly and dispel some of his grievances against the Yun family, but now, after finally waiting for the little evil star to be refreshed, someone is uncomfortable again.

Little evil star is even more dissatisfied.

Under such a rogue, he had to come and deal with the farce in person.

"Big law enforcer." Yun Fu's face changed instantly.

The big law enforcers are masters in the law enforcement hall of the inner court, and each of them has great strength, and has a higher status than the law enforcement elders of the outer court.

Yun Qingyan looked at the young man beside him in surprise. He thought he was just an ordinary attendant, but he didn't expect...he looked like he was not in a low position in the Yun family.

The young man stood in front of Yun Qingyan and waved his hand, "This is a distinguished guest of our Yun family. Don't be rude.

Go down and get three hundred whips. "

As a result, people didn't catch them, but they wanted to eat a whip?

The faces of several people in Yungui were green.

"What's the problem?" Seeing that they hadn't moved, the young man frowned and his voice became colder.

"No...no." Several people hurriedly dragged away the injured people and left quickly.

That's the end of a farce.

"Miss Qingyan, is it satisfactory?" The young man looked at Yun and said softly.

"Tell your Patriarch, it's time to clean up the Patriarch's interior." Yun said lightly, dismissively.

Yun Lu and Yun Xiao followed behind her, silently one by one.

Yun said lightly that you can ignore the big law enforcement officers, but they can't.

Even though it was Yun Fu and the others who did it first, they had always violated the family rules. Now, it is almost equivalent to breaking the law in front of the Criminal Department, so they have to be afraid.

However, the other party did not seem to have seen the previous scene at all, and had no mood to care about them at all.

"I will pass your words to the Patriarch." The young man said helplessly.

Sure enough, the Patriarch was right, this little girl is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After visiting his neighboring courtyard, Yun lightly waved away the young man.

She turned her head to see the expressions of Yun Lu's two brothers and sisters, and raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong with you?"

"Sister Yun! Your yard is treated as an elder in the family's inner courtyard!" Yun Lu looked at the yard and exclaimed, "Only those who have made significant contributions to the family will be assigned to the yard here."

She admired it over and over again, and looked at the furnishings in the house curiously. Perhaps she knew that Yun said that she didn't like luxurious things. There was no magnificence in the house, but it looked very simple. There were even vines and flowers blooming in the house, which fit the girl very well.

But if you look carefully, you can find many treasures in the house.

Yun lightly smiled, not surprised by the result.

If she could awaken that old ancestor, she said it would be the biggest hero of the Yun Family.

Secondly, the bargaining chips in her hand made Yun Bai have to pay attention to her.

"Why did you beat someone halfway? Where's Uncle Hai?" Yun asked lightly.

"He was called into the Chamber.

My brother and I were bored, so we wanted to go out and stroll around. Who knew we would run into those unreasonable people. "Speaking of Yun Fu, Yun Lu showed disgust on her face.

"Sister Yun, I heard that there are a lot of delicious foods in Dongcheng. Why don't we go shopping?" Yun Lu suddenly remembered something, her face was greedy, "The salted sea prawns here are the best. My father had eaten it once when he came, and he will never forget it.

And the East Town is very lively at night, just in time for the annual Flower Festival. "

"Flower Festival?"

Yun said that he was a little curious.

"Yeah, it's actually the Flower Festival.

There is a special flower called sea blue in the east city, which will open every time. Not only is it beautiful, but it also promotes cultivation. The lower class, as long as you take the next one, you can immediately advance to one level without side effects. This is also the characteristic of Dongcheng.

Sister Yun, do you want to visit? "

Yun Lu introduced.

Sea blue?

Yun Qingyan blinked his eyes. Hun Yuan's Medical Classics introduced this flower as one of the world's strange treasures, but it has extremely high requirements for the living environment.

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