My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1800: The existence of this kind of person is totally destructive, right?

"If one cannot be domesticated by then, wouldn't it be ashamed!"

Most of the people who ridiculed and ridiculed were from the Lai family. They could see their identity from the costumes of Yun Lu and Yun Xiao.

"Cough cough." The priest in white coughed slightly and said, "The domesticated monsters will return to the palace, but we will pay you a certain amount of rewards according to the level of the monsters."

Yun Qingyan relaxed, standing in front of the spirit beast's cage, touching its head with one hand, and enveloping it with spiritual power.

A faint light rose.

Almost in an instant, the girl put down her hand and walked straight ahead.

"This... is this over?" Everyone blinked, in disbelief. Taming the beast just put your hand on the head of the beast and touch it twice?

The white clothing sacrificial sacred eyes were complicated, and he announced, "Successful beast training."

"Wipe! Was it really successful?"

"Is there any mistake? Isn't it difficult to get started with animal trainers?"

There is a lot of discussion below.

Lai Changbo's face was tense, and his face showed a condensed look.

Unexpectedly, the trainer really appeared.

The scary thing is that this animal trainer is still the Yun family!

After taming the first one, Yun said non-stop and began to domesticate the second one.

"Is this... tamed again?"

After a breath, Yun lightly put down his hand and walked towards the third monster...

The fourth...

The fifth...

Everyone's expressions have changed from initial shock to numbness.

Even the old face of the sacrificial priest in white who was in charge of the animal training venue was stiff.

This... Doesn't this little girl need to rest?

No matter how powerful a beast trainer is, the gap between beast taming will stop to restore mental power, and the mental power is insufficient, and it is easy to be bitten by the monster.

But this little girl was domesticated all the way, but it was as simple as eating and drinking.

In the end, Yun said lightly and stopped in front of the sect beast.

This is the last beast in the entire beast taming venue, and it is also the highest rank.

"Little girl, do you want to rest first? It is very dangerous to domesticate the beasts when you are lack of mental power, don't take risks." The white clothes priest reminded.

However, his voice just fell off.

"Wow." There was a flash of white light, and the last monster was also domesticated...

"Uh..." The white clothes sacrificial face twitched fiercely, wishing that time went back and started again.

Why is he talking!

"I'm done domesticating, will the sea blue flowers be given to me after midnight?" Yun Qingyan turned his head and looked at the priest in white.

"..." The white-clothed priest who was in shock took a long time to regain his senses and nodded, "Hmm...Hmm...Theoretically, if no one in the training venue has more points than you, you can rely on the number card in your hand after midnight. Come to me for it.

At that time, I will pay you all the extra rewards for animal training. "

Of course, now, it is impossible for anyone to score more than this abnormal little girl.

"Trouble." Yun lightly nodded to him, supporting the edge of the ring with one hand and turning over sharply.

"I knew that Sister Yun would definitely win!" Little Mimei Yunlu delivered it on the 1st.

Yun Xiao followed Yun Lu, her bright eyes looked at Yun Qingyan, she didn't speak, everything was silent.

"She...she really knows how to tame beasts! She can also tame sect-level beasts!" On the other side, the disciple who had arrived with Yun You stared his eyes, "No? This Yun said lightly, not that it was a legacy from the lower realms. Is Mai, only 16 or 17 years old?

Refining medicine and taming beasts can do everything, or a god-rank star, is this guy an evildoer? "

The existence of this kind of person is totally destructive, right?

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