My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1807: Play without permission

Aquamarine flowers are nothing to people of Qu Yang's level, but to them, they are rare treasures.

Qu Yang glanced at him coldly, "Go and see."

He didn't want to compete with those mediocre people for fame and fortune, and he agreed to come over because of love.

His father had received help from the Lai family when he was in trouble. This time when he came out to practice, he was also tasked by his father to pay back. Otherwise, in his capacity, he would never go to such a remote place. of.

It is best if the other person is acquainted and consciously withdraws after knowing his identity, if not acquainted...

A haughty color crossed Qu Yang's eyes.

Lai Changbo sighed softly, fortunately this one agreed.

He respectfully asked, "Master Qu Yang, please come here."

The group of people swept away the crowd and walked forward.

Next to the ring in front, Yun Qingyan casually gnawed the Lingguo, with no signs of tension in his eyes.

Yun Lu and Yun Xiao stood behind her like guardian gate gods, holding spirit fruits in their hands.

"Sister Yun, are you really waiting for Lai Changbo?" Yun Lu asked.

"Let's see where he can invite." Yun said with a long smile, his soft body stretched straight, and a light flashed across his eyes, "Here."

The crowd was arbitrarily separated by the Lai family. Surrounded by the Lai family disciples, a handsome young man with a long body and a green robe of a medicine alchemist walked slowly.

The exquisite pharmacist robe is embroidered with wood grain, which has a breath of relic.

The face of the youth is unabashedly proud and cold.

"Master Qu Yang, you think that is the Yun family!" Lai Changbo said lightly with a finger to Yun, in a cold tone, "This is this guy, he wants to win all the firsts in the entire Hailan event, including the alchemist venue. !

She doesn't put all the alchemists in Dongcheng in her eyes, and she doesn't put you in her eyes! "

Yun said lightly: "?!"

Without her consent, who allowed him to add drama to her without authorization? ? !

Qu Yang looked in the direction of Lai Changbo's fingers.

The beautiful woman leaned halfway in front of the ring, her ink hair fluttering in the wind, the corners of her clothes draped lightly, and her delicate, white, clean face evoked an arc.

When he looked at her, the ink dyed black pupils of the other party were just looking over, and gradually, the faint smile smeared on the clear eyes.

A melodious voice rang in front, greeted like an old friend,

"Your Excellency Qu Yang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

From the perspective of Yun Qingyan, we can just see the very interesting reaction on Qu Yang's face.

The original indifferent and proud face mask disappeared, shock, shame, embarrassment and a trace of inexplicable emotions emerged one by one.

After a while, the emotion on that face seemed to be violently crushed by the master, all disappeared, and he replied, "Your Excellency Yun."

The flattering Lai Changbo had an expression on his face, "Qu...Master Qu Yang, do you know?"

The interaction between the two is more than acquaintance, it is like familiarity!

Although Qu Yang hadn't been in contact for a long time, he knew exactly how proud this pharmacist was.

Most people, he will ignore it.

Qu Yang pursed his lips, how could the pride in his heart let him personally tell the story of Yu Yun Qingyan's defeat in Lingtian City?

Although it is not obvious on the surface, the experience that day was really a heavy blow in his career as a pharmacist.

The proud Divine King Rank Different Fire was suppressed under the opponent's flames and could not raise his head.

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