My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1813: What is the ancestor

As soon as Yun Zheng's voice fell, Yun Bai and others were shocked...

An ancestor at the dignified **** emperor level... Going to protect the juniors...?

The ancestors are all guards, then these old monsters are all shorter than Yun Qingyan in turn?

Hearing that the ancestor was willing to protect Yun Qingyan, Yun Jin suddenly felt that the depression in his heart had also diminished.

Even the ancestor was a guard with that girl, as if he was a guard for seven days, there is nothing to be ashamed of, right?

"Yun Bai, hold a family meeting." Everyone had different thoughts, and Yun Zheng suddenly turned to look at Yun Bai.

These days, the Yun Family has been suppressed and morale is low. The awakening of the ancestors will undoubtedly give the Yun Family a boost.

Moreover, even though Yun said lightly that she had a countermeasure, the Yun family still had to prepare its own strategy to reduce losses as little as possible.

Hearing the family meeting, Yun said lightly that he planned to leave.

In a sense, she is not a member of the Yun family.

Just when she raised her foot to leave, the ancestor stopped her and said with a smile, "Little girl, you stay too."

Yun Qingyan paused and glanced at his grandfather, "Okay."

The family meeting is set in the martial arts field dedicated to the family. On the high platform of the martial arts field, there are a group of high chairs. Sitting on them are the elders with high authority in the family, and the square below is the inner courtyard. The back of the elite and the elders of the outer courtyard, and later, the younger generations of the outer courtyard and branches.

In a word, ranked according to strength and status.

"Woo--!" The loud horn sounded above Yun's house, piercing through the world.

"It's the assembly horn of the family!"

"Isn't this horn not sounded once in a hundred years? Why did it sound today? What big thing happened?"

Hearing the horn, the Yun family children put aside everything in their hands, and rushed to the martial arts ground nervously.

Looking down from the sky, you can see a group of people or like a vigorous monkey, galloping and jumping on tall buildings, or flying directly in the sky, turning into meteors and galloping away, which is exceptionally spectacular.

The martial arts field was filled up little by little, and the children of each vein were arranged neatly and orderly under the guidance of the elders, their figures were as straight as a pen, and their faces were lightly excited.

At the family meeting, they can meet the senior elders who usually see the dragon but never see the end, and it is rumored that the ancestor of the emperor level of the Yun family who is sleeping in the secret land of the back mountain, is here today. Can not be excited!

Patriarch, but the strongest existence in a family! Not the Patriarch, but his status is even more detached than Patriarch!

About half an hour later, the entire huge martial arts field was covered with black heads, the horns stopped, and the wooden chairs on the high platform were still empty.

The people below stared at the high platform with scorching eyes, and only one face was inexplicable, and that was Yun You.

The ancestor held the meeting in person, could it be... Yun Qingyan really rescued the ancestor? !

"Sister Yun You, do you know what the ancestor looked like?

I have never seen the ancestor himself, your talent is so good, and you are a genius of the main line of three rooms and one line, you must have seen the ancestor? "

Next to Yun You, a teenager asked nervously.

They are the elites in this group of inner courtyards. In the future, the mainstay of the Yun family will also stand closest to the main platform.

Yun You's face became stiff when she was asked. When she was born, her ancestors fell asleep in the back mountain and no one was seen. Where did she know?

But in my heart, I didn’t want to admit that I had never seen it before.

"What does the ancestor look like, don't you know if you will see it later?"

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