My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1816: Just stand up and say

The speaker was Yun Lin, Yun You's father, and also Yunhu's son. He had a private vengeance with Yun, and others would expose it, but he would not.

Yun Qingyan saved the ancestor and promised to find a helper for this family crisis. Even if at first Yun said that saving the ancestor was just to restore his grandfather's innocence, but after the ancestor really woke up, apart from talking to Yun Qingyan. Chou, who would dare to be that early bird to offend her?

Yun Qingyan's indifferent eyes looked at the man behind the crowd who was three points similar to Yun You, and the arc of his mouth became colder.

Seeing his father stepped forward, Yun You stepped forward and said loudly, "Junior Yun You has something to tell the ancestor!"

Everyone's eyes focused on her.

Yun Zheng frowned, "Say."

Yun You stood proudly, "Ancestor, the family crisis is approaching, but the disciples of the Yun family should do their best to help the family tide over the difficulties. Is Yun You right?"

Yun Zheng nodded, "What he said is extremely true."

"Master, why do I think that bad woman wants to **** you?" Xiao Xuan said in Yun Qingyan's arms.

"Yeah." Yun said with a leisurely smile, noncommittal.

"As everyone knows, the Yunhai Zhu is the treasure of the family, which can greatly increase the cultivation speed of the tribe. It is also the Yunhai Zhu that made our Yun Family stand undefeated in the East City for thousands of years." Yun You continued to speak.

Everyone frowned in confusion, how did her topic shift to Yun Haizhu?

Yun Qingyan chuckled, this guy, now can't wait to set her on fire.

"But the younger generation has never seen Yun Haizhu since he was born.

It was heard that Yun Haizhu was stolen by his clan disciple Yun Litian a hundred years ago, and then fled with his private.

If it hadn't been for him to steal the most precious treasure, our cultivation base would not only reach the current state, and the Yun family would not weaken, and the Lai family would not have the confidence to fight against our Yun family. "

Yun Tian’s face was tense. He originally wanted to talk to the ancestor about Yun Haizhu in the cave, but the Lai family’s pressure was imminent. As soon as the ancestor woke up, he immediately held a family meeting. As a result, he didn’t have time to talk. Now it was singled out again.

He stood up with a heavy face, and wanted to kneel down to his ancestor, "Old ancestor, the younger Yun Litian is guilty, and the burdened ancestor has great trust!"

Yun Qingyan saw his grandfather about to kneel, his face changed.

Before Yuntian could kneel down completely, a force pulled him up.

"Litian, just stand up and say anything."

Although Yun Zheng seems to be looking down the stage, he has always paid attention to Yun's light-spoken expression. Seeing her face changed, he knew that something was going wrong.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's face eased a little at this time, he was relieved.

Although this junior is not strong, the number of cards in his hole is beyond his imagination.

Yun Qingyan raised his hand and knocked on the table, and raised his eyes to look at Yun Zheng, "Ancestor, taking advantage of this family meeting, everyone is present, so it is better to clarify the misunderstanding.

My grandfather has been unjustly wronged for hundreds of years. "

Yun Lin didn't mention it in the cave, instead he had to wait until the family meeting was held and everyone was present. Didn't he just want them to be unable to get off the stage?

Fortunately, she would have to see who could not get off the stage in the end.

Yun Qingyan sneered at the corners of his mouth.

Yunlin's mind is clear.

Due to Yun's light words, even if Yun Tian really stole the Yun Haizhu, in private, the ancestors could only handle it lightly and would not delve into it.

But if in the family meeting, under the full view of everyone, even if the ancestors want to make major things smaller, it is impossible.

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