My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1827: Fly higher and see farther.

Yun Qingyan remembered that at the end of her consciousness, she seemed to have seen the Ice Emperor, and then she didn't know what happened.

I only felt the chill of the whole body, almost dragging myself into the boundless darkness.

"The power of the ice law recognizes you." Huang Yan narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"By the way...How is this place similar to my dream?" Yun said lightly, looking around for a week.

Huang Yan: "What's in your dream?"

"I seem to be in a world of ice and snow. I have no star power and no cultivation base. There is snow all around, and no people can be seen.

Then I saw it behind a blizzard..." Yun said softly in his voice.

"Huh?" Huang Yan raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Ice Emperor." Yun lightly exhaled.

When she first saw the Ice Emperor, the other party's biting cold eyes were still in her heart.

Although there is no killing intent and murderous intent, she is quite sure that the other party wants to kill her.

It was a kind of looking down and looking down like ants, because they looked at life like weeds, so they wanted to kill but did not intend to kill.

Thinking of this, Yun couldn't help squeezing his hands lightly.

Above Zhu Shen... what a vast world is it! How many masters are there!

Thinking that he would enter that realm in the future and Zhuolu the masters of the crowd, Yun Qingyan felt an uncontrollable tremor in his heart.

Not afraid, but excited.

She wants to fly higher and see farther.

"Ice Emperor." Huang Yan raised his eyebrows lightly, narrowed his crimson eyes and said these two words gently, then looked at Yun and said softly, "What you saw before was not a dream."

"Huh?" Yun said lightly, his round black eyes widened slightly, "Isn't the Bingdi next to Baili... how could..."

"Ice Heart Stone is the treasure of the Snow Region. It contains a trace of the ultimate law of ice, so it is used as the cornerstone of the Snow Region.

And the Ice Emperor controls the most dangerous ice and snow power, and it can even be said that he is the law itself. There was a trace of his original aura remaining in the Bingxin Stone.

What you passed just now was a test of the laws of the ice system, which can also be said to be a test of the Ice Emperor. "Huang Yan said.

Yun Qingyan touched his nose. With Bingdi’s xenophobic and icy character, he didn’t directly kill her, a person who coveted his power, but instead let her pass the test. It’s incredible...

She still remembered that when she first entered, the icy beam of light from her blue eyes clearly wanted to strangle her as an outsider.

"The power of the law acts on the origin of the soul. Your star power depends on the body rather than the soul, so you can't call your power. This is normal." Huang Yan continued to popularize science, looking softly at Yun and said softly.

"When you break through the God of Punishment, the star power will gradually degenerate into soul power, and then you won't have to worry about this."

The soul is more eternal than the physical body, and the ultimate goal of the cultivator is to increase the power of his soul to the extent of immortality.

"Yeah." Yun said lightly and nodded quickly, "By the way, you said that transforming the Profound Ring requires the power of the original element. It must be more than the ice element, right?"

Absorbing an ice core stone had almost taken her half of her life, and after a few more shots, she was really not sure if she could survive.

The cold that freezes the soul does not seem to have dissipated from the bones.

"Yeah." Huang Yan saw what she was worried about at a glance, and a smile appeared at the corner of her thin mouth. "Don't worry, treasures like Ice Heart Stone are hard to find after all, and they will definitely not be so dangerous in the future.

You are so dangerous this time, on the one hand because its power is indeed domineering..."

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