My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1855: What is your look?

"Young City Master is smart and strong, and he has helped me a lot these days." Yun said a rare good thing for Huo Yichen.

"Huh?" Huo Lingtian suddenly looked suspiciously in the direction of his son.

With a cold face and an expression of being owed 1.8 million yuan, this is indeed his own son!

He thought that Huo Yichen would make another moth, but he didn't expect that he would actually do things obediently.

Huo Yichen's handsome face was mixed with anger, and he stretched out his hand and said, "It's done, old man, Treasury Baoyin!"

Huo Lingtian touched his nose. Every time Huo Yichen was angry, he would call him the old man. It seemed that this time, he was indeed angry.

When Huo Yichen got the things, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"Miss Qingyan, I heard that you are going back to the lower realm?" Huo Lingtian asked.

Yun nodded softly, "Yes. I wonder if Lord City Lord knows the way to the lower realm?"

At the beginning, Emperor Jiuque directly broke through the void and brought her to the Eastern Sea Realm. As soon as Emperor Jiuque left, Yun lightly said that she could not go back!

"I have a way of this." Huo Lingtian replied, but he looked at Yun lightly curiously, "Is the Dongming Realm not good? Why did Miss Qingyan go back to the lower realm?

After all, the strength of the lower realm is not as high as that of the upper realm. If Miss Qingyan stays in the Eastern Sea Realm, I can help if she needs anything. "

Yun Qingyan briefly said about the Tianyuan Peak competition.

After hearing this, Huo Lingtian didn't ask any more questions. He just reminded worriedly, "Miss Qingyan, I don't know if there is a sentence or not."

Yun said lightly, "But the city lord said it's okay."

"With your talent, sooner or later you will enter the Saint Yuan Continent, and the lower realm is not your destination.

A small game, you really don't have to worry about your strength. "Huo Lingtian also learned about Yun Qingyan's sturdy deeds of killing the emperor.

"But it is not a wise move to offend the forces of Shengyuan Continent because of this.

After you enter the Saint Yuan Continent, I am afraid you will be isolated and helpless. "

It is impossible to say that small shoes will be worn after entering the Saint Yuan Continent. Huo Lingtian secretly said in his heart.

In response to this, Yun said lightly with a faint smile, "Tianyuan, this is my home."

In a word, it was very plain, but Huo Lingtian could no longer speak.

Even Huo Yichen, who rushed over with his own baby, paused for a moment.

But soon, he walked over again angrily.

I also carried a long stick in my hand. I don't know what kind of material the long stick was made of. The whole body was covered with rust... It was pitted, and it seemed that there was a piece missing on the top.

Yun Qingyan cast his eyes curiously, that broken stick, is Huo Yichen's baby?

"Old man, where is the magic crystal on my Lie Bachelor?" Huo Yichen asked, pointing to the hollow on the head of the long rod.

"Cough..." City Lord Ling Tian coughed a few times, "This broken copper and rotten iron is useless, and the power contained in the magic crystal on it is still useful. The city defense formation lacked energy a few days ago. Just take down the magic crystal and use it temporarily, and ask someone to take it back to you later."

"You!" Huo Yichen was so angry that his face was shaking.

Yun Qingyan was fortunate to have witnessed what is called a powerful son...

However, the long stick in Huo Yichen's hand... is indeed no different from broken copper and iron.

Keenly caught Yun Qingyan's skeptical gaze, Huo Yichen stared at her very badly. "Woman, what is your look?"

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