My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1917: Xiao Huangyan's meal

Chopsticks picked up and sent between the thin lips.

The thin lips that were originally light-colored were instantly stimulated with a brilliant red.

He chewed and swallowed, his blue eyes like polar ice and snow looked at Baili Shuya indifferently, "I eat spicy food."

Ji Siwen and others looked at the thin mist in Baili Qingxue's eyes and the thin lips that were tightly pressed.

Brother Baili... are you serious?

"You are a lie! You are pretending to be!" Baili Shuya stared wide, with a look of disbelief, "You can't even touch it anymore!"

After their master found Baili Qingxue, the future young master, she did her homework.

Baili Qingxue has always been a person of light taste, not spicy, salty, even sweet.

Baili Qingxue lowered her eyes, took a piece of cooked meat from the copper hot pot and swallowed it, "I like to eat it lightly."

Baili Shuya's eyes widened, her face turned gray and she ran away crying.

Yu Da-pang and the others looked at Baili Qingxue in amazement, Baili Qingxue... When did the little girl cry?

Okay... There are many girls who seem to be disregarded and heartbroken by him in the college.

Baili Shuya ran away, but Baili Qingxue was still picking meat.

Those frosty blue eyes were misty, frowning, a trace of crimson appeared on his face, and the red lips were even more gorgeous.

It was in sharp contrast with that ice-sculpture-like ascetic and cold appearance, and it was unparalleled for a time.

"Ahem... Baili, you can't eat it, so don't eat it. I'll go get a mandarin duck pot." Yun coughed softly and reminded him.

"I'm fine."

As soon as Yun Qingyan's voice fell, he saw a pair of misty pupils looking at him, with a little bit of excitement inside, "You are right, it is really delicious."

Yun said lightly: "..."

Ji Siwen and others: "..."

After the atmosphere was silent for a second, it exploded again instantly!

"I rub! Brother Baili, save me some!" Ji Siwen howled and started to grab food.

"Girl..." When the atmosphere was lively, a burst of hot fire gathered in mid-air.

The extremely handsome people stepped out in the flames, like a round of blazing sun in the dark night, robbing the world of color.

That compelling momentum instantly made the entire space become cramped.

Almost everyone stopped their movements at the same time and looked in the direction of the breath.

Baili Qingxue shrank her pupils severely when she saw the visitor, her eyes were as icy as a polar blizzard, and her handsome face instantly became cold.

Huangyan and Bingdi are natural enemies.

Baili Qingxue, who had incorporated the soul of the Ice Emperor, was also extremely disgusted with Huang Yan in the hidden meaning.

Water and fire are incompatible, and they are talking about.

"Huang Yan? Why did you come out?" Yun said lightly in surprise. Huang Yan has been inexplicably weak recently, so he spends most of his time sleeping in retreat.

"The third seal has been lifted, and you can come out for a while." A smile appeared on Huang Yan's handsome face, and one hand fell on Yun Qingyan's shoulder. "Girl, have you forgotten, you owe me something." Meal?"

Yun Qingyan rummaging through distant memories...

It seems... a long, long time ago, when she first arrived at the first college, she promised to bring Huangyan out to eat some food.

It's just that a series of things happened later, so that both of them left the matter behind.

"Ahem... I didn't forget it. I just planned to invite you." Yun said lightly and quickly made up for it, pointing to the empty seat and said, "Sit here."

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