My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1922: Fried the kitchen

At the same time that the temple knights arrived, several other powerful auras also rose from the dark night, all rushing in this direction, all masters from the upper realm.

"It's really troublesome." Huang Yan shook his head and turned into a flame into the Profound Ring.

It's fine in front of Yun Qingyan's friends, but he doesn't want to see the guys in the upper realm now.

Especially the people in the palace.

Before the people in the palace court arrived, Nie Zhao and Baili Qingxue had already risen from the sky.

"Your Excellency Baili, Your Excellency Nie Zhao, I heard the noise from you just now. It was our negligence. I didn't find Xiao Xiao who broke in.

It shocked the two lords. "

A temple knight salutes the two, which is a etiquette peculiar to the **** king class master.

The Knight Commander of the Temple Court had just finished speaking, and suddenly found something wrong...

How do I feel that the front is empty, as if there is something missing.

The knight commander was puzzled.

"What a big movement!

Your Excellency Baili was so dignified that he smashed all the buildings in the palace. "

A cold voice came. It was an old man with white beard and hair. He was the elder of the Sifang Pavilion and lived near the VIP area. He heard the movement and came to watch the joke.

During the day, Baili Qingxue defeated the sage of Sifang Pavilion and made them lose face in Sifang Pavilion. At this time, this elder had a nose instead of a nose, and eyes instead of eyes.

After the old man's reminder, the knight commander realized that there was something faintly wrong in his heart, what was going on...

It turned out to be... the house, no more...

"Thank you knight commander for your concern.

There is no Xiaoxiao breaking in. It is Baili's negligence to happen such an accident, and I hope the knight will forgive me. "Bai Li Qingxue's face is still indifferent, like ice, "I will give you all the losses of the palace. "

The knight commander was somewhat flattered.

This Heaven-defying talent in Tianyuan Continent is notoriously cold and arrogant. He rarely speaks. I didn't expect to have so much patience to talk to him this time...

"What's the matter? There is no need for compensation, but only a house. Our palace does not lack this money."

The knight commander said readily, and didn't care at all.

Baili Qingxue is the person above who clearly wants to win over. Compared with Baili Qingxue's favor, what is a house?

"However, I don't know if it is convenient for your Excellency Baili to tell the reason." The knight said.

Those who rushed to the upper realm around the periphery pricked up their ears, and they clearly felt a strong breath with the loud noise that exploded just now.

Baili Qingxue's face was hesitant. Although he didn't like Di Jiuque and Huang Yan, they were after all Yun Qingyan.

Seeing Baili Qingxue hesitating, the knight commander said immediately, "If your Excellency Baili has any difficulties, you don't need to say."

The knight commander did not dare to force him.

"There is nothing to say." Qingyue's female voice intervened.

The knight commander looked up and saw a young girl flying towards him with a smile on her face.

"I accidentally blown up the kitchen while preparing for the reunion dinner." Yun said lightly, and handed the storage ring containing Yuanyu to the knight commander. Big trouble.

Here is the compensation loss. "

Wrong hand and blow up the kitchen? Then... blast the whole villa?

Whether it was the knight commander or those who came to inquire about the news, the corners of his lips couldn't help but twitch.

Isn't it too bullshit? Nonsense?

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