My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1927: Give you extra training! Private training!

Huo Yichen turned his head and just saw Ji Siwen's drunk face.

"No interest..."

Before the funny words were finished, a fierce wind blew his face!

Huo Yichen's eyes were sharp, and the fist flashed to the right of his head.

"Hey, brother, you're pretty good!" The drunken voice, the voice had not yet fallen, and then another punch struck.

"Boom!" Huo Yichen flashed sideways, and the punch hit the wooden table so hard that the tabletop shattered.

"Come here! Let's continue playing!" Seeing Huo Yichen flashing two tricks in a row, Ji Siwen's eyes lit up.

Although he was drunk, his combat power hadn't declined, on the contrary, he couldn't pull it back like a runaway Husky.

He turned around with a smile, and hit Huo Yichen again.

The last bit of patience in Huo Yichen's eyes disappeared.

The dense and terrifying purple thunder and lightning attacked Ji Siwen like a snake.

Ji Siwen's whole body trembled, and a numbness instantly spread throughout his body.

Huo Yichen glanced at Yun and asked for advice.

"Remember to save your life." Yun said lightly.

Suddenly, I remembered something, "Don't do it too hard."

The second round of the game is about to start, don't beat anyone up...

Yu Dapang, who hadn't drunk, shivered at the table, but fortunately he was not good at drinking.

However... the poor fat man forgot, there is another alcoholic.

Nie Zhao has always been a good drinker, and this time he drank the most, already half drunk and half awake.

The mighty and powerful Vice Dean Nie lifted Yu Dafat in his hand, still drunk while speaking, "Come on! Little Fatty, I am happy today.

Give you extra training! Private training! No one else wants to come! "

The little fat man was picked up by Nie Zhao's hand, struggling with his limbs, and his voice was stern, "No! No! Vice President Nie! I don't want to train!"

Nie Zhaozui had a fluttering footstep.

There was joy on Da Pang's face. Is the deputy dean so good to talk today? Plan to let him go.

Nie Zhao lifted him with one hand, and the weight of one or two hundred catties was easy in his hands.

He made Yu Da Pang look at him. The face that was so red as a monkey **** was full of displeasure. His sharp eyes narrowed, "Little Fatty, are you looking down on me?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, a strong scent of alcohol sprayed Da Fatty's face, making him dizzy and making him unresponsive for a while.

"Very good! Dare to look down on me!

I'll take a look at what hard bones you are today! How dare to look down upon me, the gold medal instructor of Saint Yuan Continent! "

Nie Zhaogai mentioned it as a drag and ran with Yu Dafat angrily.


"Sister Yun, help!" Big Fatty struggled hard, hugging a bamboo on the road tightly.

"Kacha!" Under Nie Zhao's drag, the bamboo held by him broke off...

"I do not want!!"

The stern and miserable howl was especially miserable under the night.

In the entire messy courtyard, the only ones sitting on chairs were Yun Qingyan and Baili Qingxue.

When everyone had a drink before, neither of them drank.

"Never mind, I'll send you back..." Seeing the miserable Yu Da Pang being dragged away by Nie Zhao alive, Bai Li Qingxue turned her head to look at Yun Qingyan.

At first glance, the pupils shrank.

The girl who had been dipped in wine did not know when she picked up the last pot of spirit wine on the table and poured it into the glass, one after another, in a relaxed and lazy attitude.

The delicate and beautiful little face was red with a layer of red, like a peach blossom in March, beautiful and lazy, making Baili Qingxue unable to move her eyes for a while, and she was stunned for two seconds before returning God comes.

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