Di Jiuque was silent for a few seconds, "You and Feng Liao presided over this deity."

"But... the two subordinates, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!" Yao Ya said anxiously.

Although they are noble and the right arm of Emperor Jiuque, it is still difficult to suppress so many people.

Who came to participate in the deliberative meeting, who was not a famous figure in the Saint Yuan Continent?

If nothing else, just talk about the City Lord of the Square City, and it may not give them face.

Only the venerable guards himself can suppress the group of ghosts.

"The parliament is postponed and will be held tomorrow." Di Jiuque replied coldly.

"This..." Yao Shi was anxious, and the major forces headed by Sifang City were already ready to move. If the parliament were postponed repeatedly, I was afraid that something would happen.

"I dare to ask the prince what is important at this time?" Yao Shi rarely took the initiative to ask Ying to do something, "subordinates can share the worry for the prince."

Although he was not qualified to hold down the meeting at the meeting, Yaoya was confident that he could solve other matters smoothly.

Moreover, he really couldn't think of anything more important and troublesome than the conference meeting, and he even left the conference hurriedly after leaving the meeting.

The Emperor Jiuque over there seemed to be silent for a long time.

Yao Shi's heart slammed, did the old injury relapsed? Or is it going backwards against growth? Nothing can be solved by their dignity!

After a while, through the contract of loyalty to the soul, the icy voice of their family members came from the faintly in the sea of ​​his consciousness.

"Accompany Madam."

Yao Shi: "..."

This... he is real and can't replace it.

Yao Shi's eyes flickered, and he broke away from the spiritual connection. Next to him, a man in black with a cold breath asked anxiously.

"How is it? When will the Lord come back?"

Yaoya's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to answer, and his expression was inexhaustible.

The black-clothed man became even more anxious, and an impatience appeared on his cold, stern face, "My lord, what trouble has you encountered?"

"you do not need to worry.

Your majesty is with your wife. "Yao Shi said.

Wife and children are hot on the bed, now Zhengmei, where is there any trouble?

Oh no, the child is going to cross it out, the young master hasn't even seen the picture now.

"Madam?" The black-clothed man gave a sharp look. He also heard that Lord Emperor was in love with a woman from the lower realm. However, he was in charge of the punishment and the Anbu of the Ninth Palace. By the side of Master Zun, I don't know as much as the two Yaoya.

"How can a woman from the lower bounds be worthy of being a superior!" The Shadow Killer clenched his fists, his eyes shot out a brutal cold light, murderous aura.

I originally thought that Zun Shang was just accustomed to seeing the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and had a taste of rough tea and light rice.

Unexpectedly, the Lord would have left such an important meeting for that woman in the lower realm!

This made the already dissatisfied Shadow Killer even more dissatisfied with the Lord's wife who had never met.

Yao Shi felt the killing intent surging up and down his body and was startled, "Shadow Kill, what are you doing with murderous intent?"

Shadow Killer's cold deep eyes looked at Yaoya.

Beauty is misleading. How can their wise and martial and noble emperor be able to tolerate the defilement of a lower realm woman?

"I can warn you, don't worry about this." Yao Shi was startled by his evil spirit and murderous intent. "The person who is respected and placed on the cusp of his heart is the future. Mrs. Lord.

If you dare to do something to her, even if you are an old man who follows the elder, the elder will not let you go! "

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