If I didn't come, what kind of situation is it now?

Just thinking about it, the fire of jealousy would burn his heart to ashes.

But now seeing her sound asleep, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

Di Jiuque even doubted whether this cunning girl had deliberately rushed forward at the time, or made him unable to make fire on the spot!

When Yun Yanyan woke up, the sky was already bright. I don't know whether it was because of the spiritual energy or the sober soup. She had no sequelae of drunkenness, but was refreshed.

"Yawn." She stretched lazily, and suddenly noticed that her stretched limbs seemed to have encountered a warm wall.


Which shameless guy? ! Dare to take advantage of her while she sleeps! See if she can't kill him!

Drinking the fragments, Yun spoke viciously and turned his head to look.

An arrogant look like God's second best me, staring murderous Lingling.

Suddenly saw a familiar face.

She was shocked, but the fist she slammed could not be taken back.

The fierce punch was wrapped in a big palm.

"You don't recognize people after you sleep?" The man's long narrow eyes looked over in a cold voice, especially squiggling.

For some reason, Yun said lightly that there was a trace of suppressed anger in his voice.

Yun Qingyan began to recall nearby, wasn't he in a good mood when he left last night? Why didn't you see her for a long time? Not only did she sleep in her bed, but she was also so angry?

"Xiaoqueque, didn't you go back to the top? Why did you come down again?" Yun said lightly with a guilty conscience.

She had a very fragrant dream, dreaming that she had returned to Blue Star to become a millionaire, and met several high-quality stunning beauties in the nightclub.

Especially the last one, she didn't hold it as soon as she saw it, and she rushed forward.

Is Di Jiuque so angry? Could it be that she accidentally wiped out people in her sleep last night?

Yun Qingyan carefully scanned the collar of his neck to determine if he did anything harsh last night.

The girl's dark and clear eyes stared closely at her collar, giving Di Jiuque the illusion of being undressed and her mouth dry.

After a while, Yun lightly retracted his gaze and smashed his mouth.

The man’s clothes are too tightly wrapped, right? Let her see no scenery at all!

But... Seeing his clothes are so neat, nothing happened last night, right?

Yun said with some uncertainty.

"What are you looking at?" Di Jiuque raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Kiss...cough...nothing." Yun said lightly and quickly changed his words.

Di Jiuque looked at it with a pair of long and narrow black eyes, "Don't you remember what happened last night?"

"Yesterday? What happened last night?"

Yun Qingyan only remembered that after seeing the stupidity of Ji Weiran and Ji Siwen last night, she was a little curious about whether Drunk Flower Room was so powerful, so she tasted "a few mouthfuls"...

She didn't remember anything later.

Thinking of Ji Weiran's silly way of hugging the tree, Yun said that he was cold all over.

Could it be that... she also did those shameful things?

Drinking mistakes!

"It's nothing." Di Jiuque thought of Baili Qingxue and Huang Yan, and suffocated what he wanted to say, and flicked her lips with his fingers. "In the future, you are not allowed to drink."

After speaking, he thought of the little guy's enthusiasm last night.


"Unless, the deity is next to you."

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