Great arena.

Several teenagers looked nervous.

"Did you say that your Royal Highness found Yun Qingyan them?"

"You should have found it. You forgot. As soon as the two adults left yesterday, the princess palace dragged down Senior Brother Zhan and followed him!

What's more... The princess is not an ordinary human being, and the ability to find aura is more powerful than that of Warcraft! "

Another teenager replied.

At this time, on the high platform, only the last bit of quicksand remained in the hourglass before the elders.

Behind the old man, there are also a group of handsome and powerful young boys and girls, who are able to disregard the existence of the entire Tianyuan Continent.

Among the crowd, an orange-clothed girl raised her mouth slightly, her eyes showing a successful smile.

Yun Qingyan, Baili Qingxue, how strong is the strength? Without the qualifications, it is not powerless.

The people gathered here today are all masters who have passed the audition. They are all proud and arrogant. Even if they admire Baili Qingxue, they are not as straightforward as the low-level stars.

But now I saw that hope did not appear in the Tianyuan Continent, and the sand in the hourglass had already leaked out, my heart was still cold.

"Hey. I thought Baili Qingxue was really a character. It turned out to be only second, coward." A faint sneer sounded, speaking from a fair-faced youth.

No matter, the young man looked at the gloomy person beside him and laughed.

"Huang Zhou, after only a few years, you are getting worse and worse. Such a guy can defeat you, it really loses the face of our Sifang Pavilion."

Yesterday's game, not all people from the upper realm who participated in the competition watched it. This young man is one of the people who did not watch it.

"Brother Zhou, don't say that. Brother Huang Zhou is doing his best.

That Baili Qingxue was the bloodline of the Baili family in the Saint Yuan Continent who was living in Tian Yuan, and the strength was naturally extraordinary. "The orange-clothed woman turned her eyes and spoke.

If Yun said lightly that they were here, he would definitely recognize that this was the candidate of the Sifang Pavilion who had been in conflict with them a long time ago, Qiu Chuchu.

"It's no wonder that you are so defiant." The young man surnamed Zhou coldly snorted. He first arrived in the lower realm and held a banquet to make friends with various forces, and invited many of the emperor of the upper realm.

Although Baili Qingxue was from the lower realm, he saw that he was talented and sent him an invitation letter. I thought that sending an invitation letter to a fellow in the lower realm was already a compliment, as one of the dignified Sifang Pavilion saints, Baili Qingxue would definitely be grateful.

At that time, he even let out the talk, and he invited the first genius of Tianyuan Continent.

But he didn't expect that the guy didn't come at all, making him lose face, and the hatred would end there.

Qiu Chuchu's eyes rolled, "Brother Zhou, although Baili Qingxue has no eyes on him, he still has some skill.

You don't know, the most annoying person in their team is Yun Qingyan. He has no cultivation base, relying on others to support him, and don't pay attention to the people of our upper realm.

In the past, my brother and I suffered a loss in their hands. "

"Oh." Zhou Jian was not very interested in people outside Baili Qingxue.

"I heard that she is still the woman Baili Qingxue likes." Qiu Chuchu said, "Baili Qingxue is better to her than to Baili Shuya of her master."

Zhou Jian just came to be interested, "It's just right for them not to come. If they do, hum."

His meaning is not clear, but he is extremely cold.

Shaking off the woman Bai Li Qingxue likes would make Baili Qingxue more painful than teaching him directly?

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