My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1944: Cardinal Division

The hideous expression made the face of the **** servant shake violently because of fear, and he almost started to cry, "I... I dare not deceive His Royal Highness!

It is to worship the lord, who asked me to do this. "

He crossed his shoulders, his forehead almost touched the ground, "I was wrong! I repent!

Lord Holy Emperor not to drop thunder penalty. "

Maybe the palace's brainwashing was too successful, this guy really thought that the thunder was dropped by the holy emperor who was far away in the Saint Yuan Continent.

"The Holy Emperor will forgive you.

Get up. Gong Moxi whispered, and then said to the Paladin behind him, "Take him into the Interrogation Department. "

The **** servant's face turned pale, go to the Interrogation Division, if you die, you will lose your skin.

Didn't His Royal Highness say that you can be forgiven if you regret it?

He looked at Gong Moxi pleadingly,


Gong Moxi looked at him, Liuli's eyes were filled with warm light, and she smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the panic of the **** servant must have let the paladin take him away.

He must have just gone to the Interrogation Department to walk through the scene, after all, His Royal Highness said that he would forgive him.

"Zuo Jiji, I have troubled you to go to the interrogation division." Gong Moxi smiled at Zuo Jiji.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child! I... I was wronged!" Zuo Jiji said.

Gong Moxi just smiled and said nothing. From the beginning to the present, the curvature of his mouth has not even changed at all.

"And... And, I'm leaving, who will host the contest!" Zuo Jiji continued.

Although the referee team is made up of people from all major forces, the priests of the palace are the chief referee.

"Qiao offering sacrifices." Gong Moxi said.

"Yes, Your Highness." An old man with a stern face and expressionless face stepped forward. Although his face was stern, his attitude was quite extraordinary.

"You will temporarily replace the post of chief referee." Gong Moxi said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Gu Dan, take the Zuo Sacrifice down."

Soon, the paladin suppressed the left sacrifice.

"His Royal Highness, I am the chief referee personally appointed by the chief cardinal. Did you tell the chief cardinal when you did this?" Zuo Jiji said unwillingly.

He is also looking forward to making a lot of oil and water in this competition! Now I am going to jail!

Yesterday, the people from the Sifang Pavilion came to the door and asked him to help weed out Yun Yun. He gave him millions of star yuan jade. I thought it was just a trivial matter. No matter how the ants tumbling, the wind wolf won’t be stirred up. I thought it was the ship overturned in the gutter!

"The Saint Child Hall is going to be upright, fair and strict. You don't need to tell me such small things." A cold voice came, accompanied by the majestic momentum, like a dragon waking up, and descending in the sky.

"Um!" For a moment, there were muffled hums below.

Even among the players in the upper realm, many took a step back and looked ugly.

Yun Qingyan felt a dull throbbing in his chest, making people breathless.

The red flames in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped fiercely, a scorching power spread across the limbs, and the overwhelming feeling disappeared instantly.

Yun Qingyan could vaguely perceive that Huang Yan had acted.

Above the sky, wearing a red sacrificial gown, the solemn middle-aged man swept his gaze down, pausing slightly as he passed by Yun Qingyan, his eyebrows were slightly frowned without a trace, but it was as if he had just seen something. The only lonely ant looked away, without making any waves.

"His cultivation level must be above Zhu Shen." Huo Yichen came to Yun Qingyan and said in a low voice.

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