Although it is just an ordinary wrist-wrestling match, the order of appearance is still very particular.

If you send a master to play first, the first few rounds will be exhausted, and the next game will easily fall into the bottom.

But send the weaker first, it may not be the turn of the master, the opponent has already won, they don't even have a chance to win.

Yun said lightly over there, Qin Li took the initiative to ask Ying,

"Sister, let me come."

He is born with supernatural power and does not lose to others in terms of strength.

Yun nodded softly, "Big Brother Qin was troubled in the first game." Qin Li's strength made her confident.

The Tai'a hammer is not something ordinary people can carry.

Ji Siwen also jumped out, "Better than breaking my wrist? I want to play too!"

Feelings, this guy is just playing...

Yun Qingyan shook his head, looked away from this unreliable guy, and swept past others.

Huo Yichen put his hands on the back of his head, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Not enough, with his half-step Zhu Shen cultivation base, once he played, he would definitely kill the audience in seconds.

Baili Qingxue's voice was indifferent, "I can try too."

Yun Qingyan looked at Bai Li Qingxue's exquisite and handsome face that even women could envy and envy, hesitated for a while, and decided to forget it.

Baili Qingxue's temperament...Let him compete like a rough man by breaking his wrist? She could not imagine!

Even if he knew that his cultivation was at the God King level, his strength was not weak... But seeing his slender and white hands, Yun said lightly that he was still a bit...untrustworthy.

As for Ji Weiran, Yu Dapang and Xing Lan, it is even more impossible to play.

Then he cast his eyes on Huo Yichen, "Huo Yichen, you are the second one."

Huo Yichen curled his lips uncomfortably, "Are you paid?

Lord, I played once, and the appearance fee is very high. "

Yun Qingyan said to him, "A spicy hot pot."

Huo Yichen, "Okay."

Everyone: "..." This appearance fee is really... very high!

"Then who is the third one to appear?" Yu Dafat scratched his head. If someone loses in front, then the third one is the key to the finale.

A smile fluttered from the corner of Yun's mouth, "I."

"Huh?" Ji Siwen and others looked at her in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qingyan would appear on the stage in person... Also, compare your wrists with others?

Bai Liqing frowned. Before he could say anything, the Xuanting had already walked over, "Our candidates have been discussed. How are you doing?"

He pointed to a thin young man, "He was the first to appear."

Pointing to a burly man again, "He is second and I am last."

Yun Qingyan's eyes glided across the thin-looking young man, and pointed at Qin Li and Huo Yichen in turn, "He is the first, this is the second, and I am the third."

When Xuan Ting heard the words, he looked at Yun Qingyan in surprise. He didn't expect that this girl would dare to compare his wrists with him?

You know, men are generally stronger than women, and this is also the norm among cultivators.

"You advise you to call a man. I'll break your little hand later, that's not good." Xuanting snorted coldly.

Yun Qingyan glanced at him lightly, "Don't worry, I'm different from you, I will be gentle when I start."

"You--" Xuanting felt uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

The girl was like she was wearing a stinger.

Every sentence can make the popularity jump!

There is no woman's softness and cuteness at all, which is really annoying.

"Since you are looking for death by yourself, don't blame me for being ruthless in the next moment." Xuanting sneered.

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