My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1956: The strongest bullshit

"No, I know." Yun said lightly.

There was a bit of nostalgia in the quiet eyes.

"Sister Yun is worthy of being Sister Yun, she knows astronomy and geography from the top, and is so familiar with those in the Southern Sea Realm! What else does Sister Yun don't know!" Yu Dafang, a flattering expert, went online.

"Bullshit." Huo Yichen's sharp eagle eyes were faintly mocking, and he looked at Yu Dafang.

"Brother Huo, how can you say that?!" I have to say, although Yu Dafang is not strong enough, he can hold his thighs with accuracy. Only a few days ago, he is familiar with the proud Huo Yichen Up.

"I always speak the truth!

Just like I think Brother Huo, you are powerful and handsome.

I don't want to violate my conscience, so I must speak up! Even if others think I am a flatterer, I have to say it! "

Yu Dapang has a sincere and serious face, and he looks open to the world.

Huo Yichen was slapped by his flattery.

He squinted a pair of eagle eyes and glanced proudly at Yu Dafat.

"You are so honest, you are more pleasing to the eye than the other guys."

Yu Da Pang said happily, "Brother Huo praised it!"

Yun said lightly: "..." Who said that big fat flattery was just now?

I didn't even look at it...

Coming to the Tongtian Pagoda, the towering buildings and the noisy crowds made Yu Da Pang and the others dumbfounded.

"How come there are so many people?" Yu Da Pang couldn't help but be speechless.

There are many people inside, but they are not from the Tianyuan Continent.

"Tongtian Pagoda was originally the largest martial arts venue in the Southern Sea Realm. It is not uncommon for many cultivators." Yun smiled lightly, and saw the people from the palace on the other side guiding him, leading his friends over.

"Is your team confirmed?" The Paladin glanced at them, with a strange color in his eyes.

"Yeah." Yun said lightly, and pointed at Yu Dafang and the others, "They are all here."

"This team is a five-person team. How do you sign up for the eight of you?"

Yun said lightly that several people looked at each other one after another, not expecting this at all.

"In this way, we will act separately."

"The point is, where do the extra two people come from?"

Yun Qingyan frowned slightly, "There must be people in this square who can't find the team members."

It's just that if you find someone temporarily, there will be insufficient understanding in the end.

The Templar knight looked at them, "Although the number cannot exceed five, it can be less than five.

However, once confirmed, it cannot be changed. "

Everyone looked at each other.

So, in the end, should we balance the teams or put all the strongest people in one group?

Yu Dapang gritted his teeth, "The Yun family, I am the weakest and I am not good at fighting, so I won't take part in the competition and drag you down."

Xing Lan stood up second, "Me too, Xiaopang and I will wait for your victory and triumph."

If you are divided into two teams and a group of only four people, wouldn't it be that one player is less than the others in the latter format.

"No." Yun said lightly and condensed, "We, a person, cannot be less."

"Sister Yun." Yu Dafang looked at Yun and said lightly, still wanting to say something.

"I know what you want to say." Yun Qingyan raised his head and looked at him, "In this game, apart from competing with the upper bound.

The top five winning teams are all praised, one of which is to soak in the element pool. We must win this quota. "

Only she knows how rare this is.

Baili Qingxue has never raised any objections to Yun Qingyan's plan, "Quitely, how do you want to arrange it?"

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