"You!" Ji Siwen was so angry that his head was smoking, and he raised his hand to hit someone.

"Private fights are not allowed in the Tongtian Tower. Contradictions are resolved on the stage of martial arts." The Royal Palace Knight stopped them.

"What do you mean? Don't we fight with people from the upper realm?" Xuanting and the others, although from the endless sea, are also people from the lower realm.

"The sects of the endless sea are mostly affiliated sects of the upper realm, and they can be regarded as half of the upper realm. Of course you must fight them first." The temple knight sneered and pointed to the mysterious court and the others.

"Waiting for the winner among you, will it be possible to engage with the elites of the Upper Realm Academy."

Xuanting glanced at them, quite contented, "I am a disciple of Xuantianzong, how can I be like you?"

"The running dog of the upper realm! The traitor of Tianyuan!" Ji Weiran screamed in disgust.

While the entire Tianyuan Continent is struggling for freedom and resources, these people who also belong to the Tianyuan Continent come to beat their own people? How does this make him angry?

"You are looking for death!" Xuanting glared in anger.

"Ji Weiran." Yun said lightly, reaching out to stop Ji Weiran, "Let's go."

This prevented a battle.

"Master, why should we swallow?" Ji Weiran was dissatisfied.

"Which anger did you endure and which sound did you swallow?" Yun Qingyan glanced at him lazily.

Ji Weiran pointed to the Xuanting not far away, "They are Tianyuan people..."

Yun truncated his words lightly, "but helped the upper realm in the war. Unfaithful and unrighteous, right?"

Ji Weiran was stunned for a few seconds, and then a little disappointed, "Master, since you know..."

"They are different from us." Yun said lightly.

"Huh?" Ji Weiran was surprised.

"Death Wilderness is the place of the palace, it is a line of defense between the Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Continent, and the Death Sea is the place closest to the upper realm. Even if there is no such great power as the palace to develop a special teleportation array, it can reach the upper realm .

Whether it is endless seas or dead wilderness, it seems to be part of the Tianyuan Continent, but it does not belong to the Tianyuan Continent. Yun said helplessly.

"You mean, that endless sea area originally belonged to the forces of the upper realm?" Ji Weiran was surprised.

"Yeah." Yun nodded softly, "There is a hand from the upper realm that affects Tian Yuan."

Ji Weiran pursed his lips.

"Okay." Yun waved lightly, "Go and see our opponent in the next game."

She took out the voucher and began to pour in Star Power.

A light curtain appeared like a water wave, with luminous text on it.

Team: Chicken stewed with mushrooms

Yun Qingyan saw the team name, his eyes twitched, and he quickly moved his eyes down.

The same is true for Yu Dapang.

The following record is much better. The specific content is to record the number of wins of the team. It is necessary to challenge the cumulative wins to reach seven before entering the finals.

But what's interesting is that there are additional streak rewards.

Winning four games in a row rewards a chance to practice for half an hour in the sacred pool, and every time thereafter, winning streaks will be rewarded for half an hour.

"Sister Yun, what is this holy pool?" Yu Dafat asked curiously.

Yun Qingyan was also very confused, she had never heard of this stuff.

"It's heavenly spirit water." A faint and elegant voice came, like a spring breeze.

Yu Dapang turned his head and looked around, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Holy...Holy..."

Before his voice fell, the man in the jade mask slightly raised his lips and made a silent gesture, "Shhh."

Looking at him in disguise, Yu Dapang nodded his head as if he didn't want people to know his identity.

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