Yu Dapang's face flushed.

Yun Qingyan also entered the ring with Huo Yichen and Xinglan at this time.

Seeing that the time was up just now, everyone was too late to get on stage, and Huo Yichen threw the poor little fat over.

As for hitting the group of people who were mocking them... Yun Qingyan couldn't tell whether Huo Yichen was on purpose.

"The captains give each other their names." The referee said.

This is a kind of atmosphere in the palace, the embodiment of chivalry.

"Cannibal wolf mercenary team leader, Sirius." The opponent leader said.

Yun Qing said that he hated having to be the captain at this time, "Little Chicken Stewed Mushroom Team..."

The voice declined, and there was a burst of laughter around.

"Weak chicken team hahaha." The opposing team member snorted lightly.

A ray of cold light flashed under Yun Qingyan's eyes.

"The game begins!" The referee gave an order.

The five opponents rushed towards them.

Huo Yichen stayed aside instead of moving forward.

"Hush!" Xing Lan had already erected the ice bow, and a piercing arrow shot at the opponent, the chill brought by it made the opponent's behavior a little slow.

"Huo Wu!" A team member of the opposing team put up a fire curtain to block Xing Lan's offensive.

After all, the ring is not big. Although Xing Lan's Ice Bow is good, it is still suppressed.

"Kill that shooter first!" Sirius ordered, and the five attacked Xing Lan together.

Yun Qingyan has taken a step back. She wants to see how well Yu Dafag and Xinglan are in combat.

Yu Da-pang looked at the person who rushed up, his face anxious, and a star power shot towards the opponent.

But that strength, in the eyes of the other party, is just tickling, and there is no desire to hide at all.

Yun Qingyan shook his head lightly, Yu Da Pang was not suitable for fighting by nature.

One person had a golden thorn in his hand and slammed into Yu Da Pang who was in front of Xing Lan.

Yu Dapang paled with fright, subconsciously trying to take out some defense from the space ring.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a large pan!

"Puff ha ha ha!" A wave of wanton laughter sounded.

"Ding!" The fist hit the pan, and the ugly pan was not damaged at all.

Yu Dapang was overjoyed, picked up the pan and hit the opponent's head.

The man was in pain and furious in a flash.

"Bi Lei, end the battle." Along with a light voice, a mighty lion appeared, and with its tail, it swept down the approaching people.

Everyone stared at the beasts on the stage in surprise, "God... God-king level demon... Beast...?"

Some of the elders of the upper realm who were peeping in secret have their eyes lit up and stood up!

There is a monster, there is a trainer! Could it be that there are still figures at the level of master beast tamers in the lower realm? !

Their eyes were locked tightly on the girl who summoned the monster. No one knows better than them, the role of an animal master in the upper realm!

A cultivator contracts a **** king-level monster, which is equivalent to an extra **** king-level bodyguard! If everyone in the sect's power can be equipped with a beast trainer, then their power will definitely rise!

But beast trainers are scarce, and beast trainers are extremely mentally consuming, and often only high-level personnel are eligible to contract monsters.

No matter who the master beast trainer behind the girl is, they must vigorously win over!

On the other side, when Yu Da Pang and Xing Lan saw Yun lightly summon Bi Lei, their eyes lit up.

Yes indeed!

In this game, there is no rule to prohibit the use of Warcraft!

Yu Da Pang and Xing Lan hurriedly released the beast, the gluttonous servant was still asleep, Yu Da Pang took out the iron-clad beast he had contracted, and hit it all.

After a while, the outcome was divided.

Four...four to five. Still winning so easily? And the opponent is the one who won three games in a row!

"You...you cheated!" The captain of the cannibal wolf team who was thrown down was very unwilling to be under the ring.

"How did we cheat?"

Yun lightly raised his eyebrows, "Everyone has seen it, but you were beaten up by us!"

"You bully the less!" he said angrily.

Especially that lion-type monster, at least has a **** king level cultivation base!

Yun lightly smiled, "The game stipulates that the contract beast cannot be used?

If we don't have contract beasts, you are five to four, wouldn't it be more bullying? "

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