My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1968: Who would you choose?

Huang Yan yawned lazily, "Girl, if you become complacent and obedient, you will be boring."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yun's mouth, "Well, but thank you today."

It was a very sincere apology.

Who expected someone to turn dark,"

You are the host of the deity, and the deity can help you.

I don’t need your thank you. "

thank? That's the right person!

"Okay, the deity is going to sleep." Huang Yan waved his hand quite resentfully.

Yun said lightly: "?" A man's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea! Wasn't it okay just now? Why did you change your face in a flash?

However, due to Huang Yan's help today, Yun Qingyan still did not leave. Seeing Huang Yan's pale face, he finally asked the question he had been curious about, "Isn't the third seal lifted?

Why are you getting weaker and weaker? "

Huang Yan slightly opened a pair of red pupils, revealing the chains entangled in his hands.

Yun Qingyan discovered that the jumping blue light patterns on those thick chains were denser than before.

"The more the seal is lifted, the greater the backlash.

Unless the deity merges with him. "

Yun said lightly: "..."

I don't know if lifting the seal is good or bad.

Huang Yan stared at Yun and said softly, "Girl, my deity asks you a question.

You must answer truthfully. "


"If the deity and that guy are left alone, who would you choose?"

Yun Qingyan was stopped by this question.

"I..." One is her beloved, and the other is her mentor and friend, no matter who it is, she doesn't want to see them disappear.

"Does it have to be fused?" Yun said softly, pursing his lips, his eyes obscure.

Seeing Yun's lightly embarrassed expression, Huang Yan had already guessed the result.

A dark glow appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

He bent his fingertips and flicked her forehead, and immediately withdrew his hand before the other party could not respond, his face was a hearty laugh.

"Girl, you are too cunning? It was the deity who asked you clearly, why did you ask the deity?"

Yun Qingyan looked at the man who was joking and laughing happily in front of him, and couldn't tell whether his smile was true or false.

I saw Huang Yan with the same careless and arrogant smile on his face.

"We are one.

Even if it merges, it will not disappear.

what are you worried about? Huang Yan waved his hand and yawned, "The deity is going to sleep, are you sure you want to watch the deity sleep here?" Or……"

The corners of his mouth rose suddenly, "Do you want to sleep with me?"

Yun Qingyan has become accustomed to his open mouth, and moved the various energy stones from the apologetic gift from the Red Sun Palace to the restricted area. "These energy stones are of good quality and should be able to help you restore some strength.

I will try to find some fire nuclei and elemental stones. "

The energy stone is a special product of the upper realm, full of pure non-attribute star power, which can be absorbed by any star.

However, the power in these energy stones is mottled and irritable, and Star Yuan can not directly absorb it. Generally, it takes special refinement. But for Huang Yan, these are not problems. The Red Sun Palace sent her a gift before, and Huang Yan sent her to her. I asked for a part of the energy stone.

Huang Yan lazily glanced at the pile of energy stones, "Girl, who did you rob? Why are you so generous all of a sudden?"

Yun said lightly: "..." What should I do if my hands are itchy suddenly?

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